Academic Program for the Doctor of Audiology (AuD)

Program Overview


Academic coursework in the AuD program covers hearing science and the nature and treatment of hearing and balance disorders across the lifespan.  Graduate students in our program prepare an individualized plan of study with guidance from their faculty advisor. 

Audiology Doctoral Project (ADP):  Students also have the opportunity to complete an audiology doctoral project and there are several options for the ADP. These include: (1) Systematic, scoping and critical reviews of the literature on a particular topic; (2) Clinically-based projects designed to improve a certain process or program within the clinic or community; or (3) Traditional lab-based, experimental projects that may be available at the discretion of the ADP mentor(s) and the lab resources available at the time.  The faculty will recommend projects to you that are appropriate given the available resources and timeline for the project. 

A detailed description of the academic and clinical training requirements is included in the AuD Student Handbook (AuD Cactus Book).

It is possible for students to pursue a research PhD as well as the clinical degree, either in-sequence or concurrently. Individual plans can be discussed with a faculty mentor and Director of Graduate Studies-PhD, Kate Bunton ( 

SLHS has a tradition of student participation in ASHA's Minority Student Leadership Program (MSLP), and we have an active local chapter of the Student Academy of Audiology!