Our Research Labs

Image of 10 adults smiling

Our faculty members work closely with undergraduate and graduate-level students on a wide variety of research topics related to human communication and its disorders. Through a range of research experiences, our students have a unique opportunity to explore the boundaries of what is currently known on how we hear, perceive, produce, and understand speech and language. Our students investigate innovative ways to assess and treat individuals with communication disorders in a dynamic and collaborative setting. Many students become co-authors of peer-reviewed publications. See publications with student co-authors.

Research Labs in SLHS

Students have a unique opportunity to get involved and assist in the innovation and discovery happening at the University of Arizona. We encourage students at both the undergraduate and graduate levels to engage with research.   

Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences is a leader in innovative language, hearing, and speech research. The work of our faculty covers the spectrum of basic science, translational research, clinical research, and intervention studies. Our faculty engages in multi-disciplinary research addressing a wide range of topics, speech acoustics and perception; speech motor control in normal and disordered humans; voice production and disorders; language development and disorders;  language and cognition; language development and disorders associated with genetic conditions such as fragile X syndrome; language development in children with autism; literacy;  bilingual language development; speech and language development in children with cerebral palsy; neural imaging; auditory rehabilitation; auditory perception and amplification; vestibular research. 

If you are interested in joining a lab, contact the lab’s principal investigator (PI) or lab manager to determine if they are taking on new students and, if so, how their application process works. Note that students can volunteer with a lab, earn course credit, or be employed with a lab as a student hourly. 

FUERZA Program

Interested in having the opportunity to participate in an SLHS research lab for a paid rotation? Apply to be a FUERZA Student! 

During your rotation, you will learn about research and identify mentoring goals with your mentor. You will take part in mentoring activities outside your home lab (e.g., applying to graduate school; and learning about research as a career) and be part of the FUERZA cohort. 

Click on one of the 'title cards' below to learn more about the labs!