Many SLHS students are involved in research and become co-authors on peer-reviewed publications and presentations at professional meetings as listed below (with student authors in bold).
* = undergraduate
** = MS
*** = AuD
**** = PhD
***** = Post Doc
2024 Publications with Student Co-Authors
- Choi-Tucci, A., White, M.**, & Plante, E. (2024). Determining the Diagnostic Accuracy of the Test of Integrated Language and Literacy Skills (TILLS) for College Students American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, epub PubMed ID: 38118454 doi.org/10.1044/2023_AJSLP-23-00331
- Kapa, L. L., & Mettler, H. M.**** (in press). Statistical learning among preschoolers with and without developmental language disorder: Examining effects of language status, age, and prior learning. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research.
- Lester-Smith, R. A., Jebaily, C. G.**, & Story, B. H. (2024). The Effects of Remote Signal Transmission and Recording on Acoustical Measures of Simulated Essential Vocal Tremor: Considerations for Remote Treatment Research and Telepractice. Journal of Voice : Official Journal of the Voice Foundation, 38, 325–336.
- Rusho, R. Z. Z.****, Ahmed, A. H. H., Kruger, S., Alam, W., Meyer, D., Howard, D., … Lingala, S. G. G. (2024). Prospectively accelerated dynamic speech magnetic resonance imaging at 3 T using a self-navigated spiral-based manifold regularized scheme. NMR in Biomedicine, 37, e5135.
- Sweeney, L., Plante, E., Mettler, H. M.****, Hall, J., & Vance, R. (2024). Less Versus More: The Effect of Recast Length in Treatment of Grammatical Errors. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 55, 152–165
2024 Presentations with Student Co-Authors
- Cretcher, S.****, Mettler, H.*****, Alt, M., Evans-Reitz, N. (2024, May). Treating words late talkers do not understand: Outcomes and insights [Poster presentation]. Symposium on Research in Child Language Disorders, Madison, WI.
2023 Publications with Student Co-Authors
Darling-White, M. & Jaeger, A.* (2023) Differential impacts of sentence length on speech rate in two groups of children with neurodevelopmental disorders. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 32, 1083-1098.
Darling-White, M. & Polkowitz, R.* (2023) Sentence length effects on intelligibility in two groups of older children with neurodevelopmental disorders. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 32, 2297-2310.
Sweeney, L., Plante, E., Mettler, H.M.****, Hall, J., & Vance, R. (2023). Less vs. More: The effect of recast length in treatment of grammatical errors. Language, Speech, & Hearing Services in Schools, 55, 152-165. PubMed ID: 38039976 doi.org/10.1044/2023_LSHSS-23-00049
2023 Presentations with Student Co-Authors
Chan, B.**, Mentor, A.*, Murphy, S.*, & Darling-White, M. (2023, November) Cerebral palsy and hearing loss: A systematic review. Poster presented at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, virtual sessions.
Dominguez, B.R., Holguin, G.****, Bjork, R.****, Cowen, S.L., Miller, J.E. (2023) Alpha-synuclein overexpression in the basal ganglia vocal nucleus Area X alters waveform patterns in a zebra finch model of Parkinsonian vocal deficits. Society for Neuroscience Meeting, Washington D.C.
- Mettler, H. M.****, & Alt, M. (2023, June). The role of cognitive skills in young children’s statistical learning outcomes [Poster presentation]. Symposium on Research in Child Language Disorders, Madison, WI.
2022 Publications with Student Co-Authors
- Beeson, P.M., Rising, K., Sachs, A.****, & Rapcsak, S.Z. (2022). Common predictors of spoken and written language performance in aphasia, alexia, and agraphia. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 16, 719. https://doi.org/10.3389/fnhum.2022.1025468
- Colina, S., Rodríguez-Guerra, M., Marrone, N., Ingram, M., Navarro, K. J.***, Arizmendi, G., & Coco, L.**** (2022). Research Documents for Populations with Limited English Proficiency: Translation Approaches Matter. Ethics & Human Research, 44(1), 29–39.
- Davidson, A.****, Marrone, N., & Souza, P. (2022). Hearing Aid Technology Settings and Speech-in-Noise Difficulties. American Journal of Audiology, 31(1), 21–31.
Kovas, S.** & Darling-White, M. (2022) A descriptive study of speech breathing in children with cerebral palsy during two types of connected speech tasks. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 65, 4557-4576.
Medina, C. A.**, Vargas, E.**, Munger, S. J., & Miller, J. E. (2022). Vocal changes in a zebra finch model of Parkinson’s disease characterized by alpha-synuclein overexpression in the song-dedicated anterior forebrain pathway. PloS One, 17(5), e0265604.
- Mettler, H. M****., Alt, M., Gray, S., Hogan, T. P., Green, S., & Cowan, N. (2022). The relationship between phonological working memory and sentence production in school-age children with typical language, dyslexia, and comorbid dyslexia and developmental language disorder. Journal of Child Language, 1-35. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0305000922000435
- Nickels, K.****, Beeson, P.M., Rising, K., Jabahi, F.**** & Kielar, A. (2022 accepted). Positive changes to written language following phonological treatment in logopenic variant primary progressive aphasia: Case report. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience.
- Tucci, A.****, Plante, E., Heilmann, J. J. J., & Miller, J. F. (2022). Dynamic Norming for Systematic Analysis of Language Transcripts. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research : JSLHR, 65(1), 320–333.
2022 Presentations with Student Co-Authors
Darling-White, M. & Polkowitz, R.* (2022, November) Sentence length effects on intelligibility in older children with neuromotor disorders. Poster presented at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, New Orleans, LA.
Erikson, J.****, Alt, M., & Pyarelal, A. (2022, June). Science vocabulary knowledge and science achievement for children with and without developmental language disorder. In Symposium on Research in Child Language Disorders (SRCLD).
- Jebahi, F.****, Nickels, K.****, & Kielar, A. (2022, May). Psycholinguistic Determinants of Naming in Logogenic Variant of Primary Progressive Aphasia. In 51st Clinical Aphasiology Conference.
- Jebahi, F.****, Nickels, K.V.****, Frazier N.J.*, & Kielar, A. (October, 2022). Clustering and switching on verbal fluency in logopenic variant of primary progressive aphasia. Poster presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Society for the Neurobiology of Language, Philadelphia, PA.
- Jebahi, F.****, Nickels, K.****, Frazier, N.*, Kielar, A. (October, 2022). Understanding semantic category generation in Primary Progressive Aphasia (PPA). Poster Presented at the 14th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Neurobiology of Language. Philadelphia, PA.
- Jebahi, F.****, Nickels, K.V.****, & Kielar, A. (2022, November). Generative naming in the logopenic variant of primary progressive aphasia: the role of psycholinguistic properties. Poster presentation at the 2022 Annual Convention of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, New Orleans, LA.
- Kapa, L.L., & Mettler, H. M.**** (2022, November). Self-directed speech and developmental language disorder: A beginner’s guide. [Oral presentation]. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, New Orleans, LA.
- Mettler, H. M.****, & Kapa, L. L. (2022, December). Self-directed speech produced by preschoolers with developmental language disorder during executive function tasks [Poster presentation]. UArizona Graduate Interdisciplinary Programs Student Showcase, Tucson, AZ.
- Neiling, S. L.****, Alt, M., & Márquez, I. (2022, June). Train-the-trainer models: Exploring their feasibility to increase service reach. In The Symposium on Research in Child Language Disorders.
- Nickels, K.V.****, Beeson, P.M., Rising, K.L., Jebahi, F.****, Frazier, N.J.*, & Kielar, A. (September, 2022). Treatment for phonological text agraphia in logopenic variant of primary progressive aphasia: A heterogenous case series. Poster presentation at the Arizona Alzheimer’s Consortium, Tempe, AZ.
- Nickels, K.****, Beeson, P. M., Rising, K., Jebahi, F.****, Kielar, A. (October, 2022). Phonological Treatment Outcomes in Nonfluent/Agrammatic Variant Primary Progressive Aphasia: A Case Study. 60th Academy of Aphasia Annual Meeting. Philadelphia, PA.
- Nickels, K.****, Beeson, P.M., Rising, K., Jebahi, F.****, Sachs, A.****, & Kielar, A. (November, 2022). The impact of phonological intervention on written language skills in logopenic variant primary progressive aphasia. Technical research paper presented at the 2022 Annual American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, New Orleans, LA.
- Sachs, A.****, Rising, K., Nickels, K.**** & Beeson, P.M. (November, 2022). Underlying processes predict narrative performance in aphasia/alexia/agraphia. Technical research paper presented at the 2022 Annual American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, New Orleans, LA.
- Sweeney, L., Plante, E., Mettler, H. M.****, Vance, R., & Tucci, A. (2022, June). Is less really more? The impact of clinician recast length on treatment gains. [Poster presentation]. Symposium on Research in Child Language Disorders, Madison, WI.
2021 Publications with Student Co-Authors
- Alt, M., Figueroa, C.R., Mettler, H.M.****, Evans-Reitz, N.**, & Erikson, J.A.**** (2021). A vocabulary acquisition and usage for later talkers (VAULT) treatment efficacy study: The effect of input utterance length and identification of responder profiles. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 64, 1235-1255.
- Britton, D., Pullen, E.**, Hoit, J. D., & Benditt, J. o. (2021). Effects of mouthpiece noninvasive ventilation on speech in men with muscular dystrophy – A pilot study. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology.
- Coco, L.****, Piper, R., & Marrone, N. (2021). Feasibility of community health workers as teleaudiology patient-site facilitators: a multilevel training study. International Journal of Audiology, 1–13.
- Darling-White, M., & Banks, S. W.** (2021). Speech Rate Varies With Sentence Length in Typically Developing Children. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research : JSLHR, 64(6S), 2385–2391.
- Davidson, A.****, Musiek, F., Fisher, J. M., & Marrone, N. L. (2021). Investigating the Role of Auditory Processing Abilities in Long-Term Self-Reported Hearing Aid Outcomes Among Adults 60+ Years. Journal of the American Academy of Audiology.
- Erikson, J.A.****, Alt, M., Gray, S., Green, S., Hogan, T.P., & Cowan, N. (2021). Phonological vulnerability for school-aged Spanish-English-speaking bilingual children. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism. https://doi:10.1080/13670050.2018.1510892
- Hoit, J. D., Lansing, R. w., Brown, V. p., & Nitido, H**. (2021). Speaking dyspnea in Parkinson’s disease: Preliminary findings. Journal of Communication Disorders.
- Kapa, L., & Mettler, H. M.**** (2021). Language and executive function in preschoolers with DLD: The role of self-directed speech. Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups, 6, 1315–1326.
- So, L.Y.** and Miller, J.E. (2021) Social Context-Dependent Singing Alters Molecular Markers of Synaptic Plasticity Signaling in Finch Basal Ganglia Area X. Behav Brain Res. 398:112955. doi: 10.1016/j.bbr.2020.112955. Epub 2020 Oct 6. PMID: 33031871
2021 Presentations with Student Co-Authors
- Alt, M., Neiling, S. L.****, & Marquez, I. (2021, June). Exploring the social validity of telehealth-based language interventions for young Latine children. Symposium on Research in Child Language Disorders. Madison, WI.
- Alt, M., Neiling, S. L.****, & Marquez, I. (2021, August). Exploring the social validity of telehealth-based language interventions for young Latine children. Late Talker Workshop. University of Warwick (UK).
- Beeson, P.M., Rising, K., Bayley, C., Sachs, A.****, Nickels, K.****, & Rapcsak, S.Z. (2021, October). Phonology, semantics, and speech production abilities predict naming, reading, and spelling in individuals with aphasia/alexia/agraphia. Slide Slam Presentation at the 2021 Society for Neurobiology of Language Annual Meeting (virtual).
- Darling-White, M. & Jaeger, A.* (2021, June) An examination of the relationship between sentence length and speech rate in children with neuromotor disorder. Poster to be presented at the Boston Speech Motor Control Symposium.
- Darling-White, M. & Rodrigues, R.* (2021, November) The role of development in the relationship among breath pausing, syntax, and punctuation. Poster to be presented at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention.
- Darling-White, M. & Sisk, C.* (2021, November) An investigation of closure durations for word-final stops in children with and with neurodevelopmental disorders. Poster to be presented at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention
- Erikson, J. A.****, Schoelen, S., Alt, M., & Pyaralel, A. (2021, June). A low-language alternative for measuring academic science vocabulary depth. Symposium on Research in Child Language Disorders. Madison, WI.
- Fabiano-Smith, L. C., Privette, C.****, & An, L. (2021, February). Phonological measures for bilingual Spanish-English speaking preschoolers: The language combination effect. In Zoom presentation to the Department of Communication Disorders, University of Wisconsin. The University of Wisconsin, Madison.
- Kielar, A., Patterson, D., Guzik, A*., Chou, Y-H. (2021, October, 5-8th). Effectiveness of rTMS in treating post-stroke aphasia: Role of stimulation parameters and individual characteristics. Conference Talk. 13th Meeting of the Society for Neurobiology of Language (Virtual).
- Marrone, N. L., Wong, A., & Coco, L.**** (2021, Spring). Reducing Disparities in Access to Hearing Healthcare on the US-Mexico Border. Cochlear Center for Hearing and Public Health Webinar Series. John Hopkins University.
- Marrone, N. L., Ingram, M., Wong, A. A., Piper, R., Colina, S., Carvajal, S. C., & Coco, L.**** (2021). Prioritizing community in research decision-making through partnership. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting and Expo.
- Marrone, N., Wong, A., Rodríguez, B., Ocasio Portalatín, N.***, Lee, D. (2021, April) Juntos somos mejores: Building research capacity through collaborative community engagement. Poster presented to Arizona Speech-Language-Hearing Association virtual conference.
- Medina, C.A.,** Munger, S.J., Corenblum, M., Eckhardt, J.*, Madhavan, L., and Miller, J.E. (November 2021). An analysis of vocalization-associated molecular pathways and gene networks within the basal ganglia of mouse and finch Parkinson’s disease models. Society for Neuroscience virtual meeting.
- Mettler, H.M. ****, & Kapa, L. (2021, November). Self-directed speech produced by preschoolers with developmental language disorder during executive function tasks. In American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention
- Mettler, H. M.****, Neiling, S. L.****, Figueroa, C. R., Evans-Reitz, N., & Alt, M. (2021, June). The feasibility of translating an expressive vocabulary treatment for late-talking toddlers to a caregiver-implemented model. Symposium on Research in Child Language Disorders. Madison, WI.
- Mettler, H. M.****, Neiling, S. L.****, Figueroa, C. R., Evans-Reitz, N., & Alt, M. (2021, August). The feasibility of translating an expressive vocabulary treatment for late-talking toddlers to a caregiver-implemented model. Late Talker Workshop. University of Warwick UK.
- Nickels, K.****, Rising, K., & Beeson, P.M. (2021, October). Exploring predictors of naming ability in Primary Progressive Aphasia. Slide Slam Presentation at the 2021 Society for Neurobiology of Language Annual Meeting (virtual).
- Sachs, A.****, Rising, K., & Beeson, P.M. (2021, October). The critical role of phonology in sentence-level writing and reading: Evidence from aphasia, alexia, and agraphia. Slide Slam Presentation at the 2021 Society for Neurobiology of Language Annual Meeting (virtual).
2020 Publications with Student Co-Authors
- Alt, M., Mettler, H.M.****, Erikson, J.A.****, Figueroa, C.R., Etters-Thomas, S.**, Arizmendi, G.D.****, & Oglivie, T.**** (2020). Exploring input parameters in an expressive vocabulary treatment with late talkers. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 63, 216-233.
- Ackley, K.****, & Brown, J. (2020). Speech-Language Pathologists’ Practices for Addressing Cognitive Deficits in College Students With Traumatic Brain Injury. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 1–16.
- Alt, M., Mettler, H. M.****, Erikson, J. A.****, Figueroa, C. R., Etters-Thomas, S. E.**, Arizmendi, G. D.****, & Oglivie, T.**** (2020). Exploring Input Parameters in an Expressive Vocabulary Treatment With Late Talkers. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research : JSLHR, 63(1), 216–233.
- Badwal, A.*, Borgstrom, M., Samlan, R. A., & Miller, J. E. (2020). Middle age, a key time point for changes in birdsong and human voice. Behavioral Neuroscience.
- Coco, L.****, Davidson, A.****, & Marrone, N. (2020). The Role of Patient-Site Facilitators in Teleaudiology: A Scoping Review. American Journal of Audiology, 29(3S), 661–675.
- Colina, S., Rodriguez-Guerra, M., Marrone, N. L., Ingram, M., Navarro, K.***, & Arizmendi, G. (2020). Equity and inclusion in research studies: Does translation hinder equal participation. Ethics and Human Research.
- Everett, A.****, Wong, A., Piper, R., Cone, B., & Marrone, N. (2020). Sensitivity and Specificity of Pure-Tone and Subjective Hearing Screenings Using Spanish-Language Questions. American Journal of Audiology, 1–15.
- Fein, M.**, Bayley, C., Rising, K., & Beeson, P. M. (2020). A structured approach to train text messaging in an individual with aphasia. Aphasiology, 34(1), 102–118.
- Filippini, R., Wong, B.****, Schochat, E., & Musiek, F. (2020). GIN Test: A Meta-Analysis on Its Neurodiagnostic Value. Journal of the American Academy of Audiology, 31(2), 147–157.
- Hall, J.*****, & Plante, E. (2020). Data-Informed Guideposts for Decision Making in Enhanced Conversational Recast Treatment. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 29(4), 2068–2081.
- Gray, S., Lancaster, H.**, Alt, M., Hogan, T.P., Green, S., Levy, S., & Cowan, N. (2020) The structure of word learning in young school-aged children. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 63, 1446-1466.
- Kapa, L. L. L., & Erikson, J. A.**** (2020). The Relationship Between Word Learning and Executive Function in Preschoolers With and Without Developmental Language Disorder. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research : JSLHR, 63(7), 2293–2307.
- Kielar, A., Chou, Y-H, Kline, E., Mohr, S.** (2020). Systematic review and meta-analysis of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) effects on treating language symptoms in post-stroke aphasia. PROSPERO 2020 CRD42020180104 Available from: https://www.crd.york.ac.uk/prospero/display_record.php?ID=CRD42020180104.
- Marrone, N. L., & Davidson, A.**** (2020). A clinically valuable interaction in the midst of COVID-19 and beyond: A viewpoint on the importance of patient-centered outcomes in rehabilitative audiology. Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups.
- Miller, J. f., Heilmann, J., Tucci, A.****, & Plante, E. M. (2020). Assessing Functional Language in School-Aged Children Using Language Sample Analysis. Perspectives, 5, 622–636.
- Navarro, I. I. I.**, Cretcher, S. R.**, McCarron, A. R.**, Figueroa, C., & Alt, M. (2020). Using AAC to unlock communicative potential in late-talking toddlers. Journal of Communication Disorders, 87, 106025.
- Nitido, H.**, & Plante, E. (2020). Diagnosis of Developmental Language Disorder in Research Studies. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research : JSLHR, 63(8), 2777–2788.
- Sachs, A.****, Rising, K., & Beeson, P. M. (2020). A Retrospective Study of Long-Term Improvement on the Boston Naming Test. American journal of speech-language pathology, 29(1S), 425-436.
- So, L. Y.****, & Miller, J. E. (2020). Social context-dependent singing alters molecular markers of synaptic plasticity signaling in finch basal ganglia Area X. Behavioural Brain Research, 398, 112955.
- St. George, B. V.****, & Cone, B. (2020). Perceptual and Electrophysiological Correlates of Fixed Versus Moving Sound Source Lateralization. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 63(9), 3176-3194.
2020 Presentations with Student Co-Authors
- Alt, M., Evans-Reitz, N.**, Figueroa, C., & Oglivie, T. (2020, Spring). Characteristics of the words late talkers learn during expressive vocabulary treatment. 41st annual Symposium on Research in Child Language Disorders. Madison, WI: Cancelled due to Covid.
- Alt, M., Evans-Reitz, N.**, Figueroa, C., & Oglivie, T. (2020, November). Characteristics of the words late talkers learn during expressive vocabulary treatment. Annual Convention of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. San Diego, CA: Cancelled due to Covid.
- Britton, D., Pullen, E.**, Hoit, J. D., & Benditt, J. o. (2020, February). Mouthpiece noninvasive positive pressure ventilation: Effects on speech. Conference on Motor Speech. Santa Barbara, CA.
- Bushor, J.***, Schefer, M.***, Clancy, C.***, Wong, B.****, & Musiek, F. (2020, March). Are There Differences in Auditory Structure Morphology? 47th Annual Scientific & Technology Conference. Scottsdale, AZ.
- Clancy, C.***, Bushor, J.***, Schefer, M.***, Everett, A.****, St. George, B.****, & Musiek, F. (2020, February). Central Auditory Mechanisms Revealed by Dichotic Listening in Noise. 43rd Annual Association for Research in Otolaryngology. San Jose, CA.
- Clancy, C.***, Bushor, J.***, Schefer, M.***, Everett, A.****, St. George, B.****, & Musiek, F. (2020, March). Central Auditory Mechanisms Revealed by Dichotic Listening in Noise. 47th Annual Scientific & Technology Conference. Scottsdale, AZ: American Audiology Society.
- Clancy, C.***, Bushor, J.***, Schefer, M.***, Everett, A.****, St. George, B.****, & Musiek, F. (2020, April). Dichotic Listening in Noise: A New Clinical Approach to Evaluation of CAPD. In 32nd American Academy of Audiology Annual Conference. New Orleans, LA: American Academy of Audiology. Cancelled due to Covid.
- Coco, L.****, & Marrone, N. L. (2020, April). CONEXIONES: Community health worker-supported teleaudiology, a strategy to minimize barriers to hearing health care. World Congress of Audiology (Canceled due to COVID). Warsaw, Poland.
- Colina, S., Marrone, N. L., Rodriguez, M., Arizmendi, G.****, & Navarro, K.*** (2020, April). Two approaches to the translation of a health survey: Comparing their usability. American Translation and Interpretation Association (Conference postponed due to COVID). Santa Barbara, CA.
- Darling-White, M., & Banks, S.W.** (2020, February). An examination of the relationship between sentence length and speech rate in typically developing adolescents. Biennial Conference on Motor Speech. Santa Barbara, CA.
- Esquivias, M.**, Frisby, A. M.**, Garivaldo, B.**, Griffin, S.**, Hernandez, G.**, Ramirez, A., … Fabiano-Smith, L. C. (2020, November). Supporting and advocating for underrepresented communities: Developing student clubs. ASHA convention - cancelled due to Covid. San Diego, CA: ASHA.
- Fabiano-Smith, L. C., & Privette, C.**** (2020, November). Combining languages and measures for accurate diagnosis of bilingual preschoolers with speech sound disorders. ASHA convention - cancelled due to Covid. San Diego, CA: ASHA.
- Ibrahim, N.*, Munger, S. J., Ausra, J., Azami, A., Burton, A., Peralta, R., … Miller, J. E. (2020, November). Effects of Optogenetic Manipulation on Song in a Zebra Finch Model. Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students (ABRCMS). Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students (ABRCMS).
- Kapa, L., & Ackley, K. A.**** (2020, November). Effects of martial arts intervention on executive function and fast-mapping in at-risk youth. In Annual Convention of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association.
- Kielar, A., Patterson, D., Chou, Y., Mohr, S.**, & Johnson, H.* (2020, March). Changes in Functional Connectivity Induced by rTMS to the left supramarginal gyrus. Research Innovating Showcase, BIO5 Institute, University of Arizona. Tucson, AZ.
- Kielar, A., Patterson, D.K., Chou, Y-H., Mohr, S.**, Johnson, H.N.* (2020, Autumn). Effect of excitatory and inhibitory theta burst stimulation (TBS) on resting state connectivity. 12th Meeting of the Society for Neurobiology of Language. NSL.
- Marrone, N. L., & Coco, L.**** (2020, March). Hearing Health Care Access on the US Mexico Border. Population Hearing Health Care Meeting. Scottsdale, AZ.
- Pertsovsky, S. H.*, & Kielar, A. (2020, May). Effects of Stroke Lesion on Language Performance and White Matter Connectivity in Post-Stroke Aphasia. NSCS Honors Thesis Presentations 2020.
- Privette, C.****, Oglivie, T., Hernandez, R., & Fabiano-Smith, L. C. (2020). National Conversation on Anti-Racism in Multicultural and Bilingual Certificate Programs in Communication Sciences and Disorders.
- Pullen, E.**, Britton, D., Hoit, J. D., & Benditt, J. o. (2020, Autumn). Mouthpiece noninvasive ventilation can improve speech in men with muscular dystrophy. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention. San Diego, CA: Cancelled due to Covid.
- Schefer, M.***, Bushor, J.***, Clancy, C.***, Wong, B.****, & Musiek, F. (2020, March). Are There Differences in Sylvian Fissure Anatomy in Schizophrenic and Control Brains? 47th Annual Scientific & Technology Conference. Scottsdale, AZ.
- Shen, M. *Kielar, A. (2020, May). fMRI Localizer Task for Cortical Responses to Phonology, Semantics, and Orthography: A Pilot Study. NSCS Honors Thesis Presentations 2020.
- Vargas, E.*, Medina, C. A.****, Munger, S. J., & Miller, J. E. (2020, January). Alpha-synuclein Overexpression Leads to Reduced Singing in a Zebra Finch Model of Parkinson’s Disease. Undergraduate Biology Research Program (UBRP) Winter Conference. University of Arizona.
- Vargas, E.*, Medina, C. A.****, Munger, S. J., & Miller, J. E. (2020, August). Alpha-synuclein in the zebra finch brain: Molecular and behavioral validation of a Parkinson’s disease model. Border Latino & American Indian Summer Exposure to Research (BLAISER) Program. University of Arizona.
- Wong, B.****, & Musiek, F. (2020, February). Laterality of Cortical Auditory Structures: Schizophrenic subjects vs. Controls. 43rd Annual Association for Research in Otolaryngology. San Jose, CA.
- Wong, B.****, & Musiek, F. (2020, March). Laterality of Cortical Auditory Structures: Schizophrenic Subjects vs. Controls. 47th Annual Scientific & Technology Conference. Scottsdale, AZ: American Auditory Society.
2019 Publications with Student Co-Authors
- Alt, M., Gray, S., Hogan, T. P., Schlesinger, N. *, & Cowan, N. (2019). Spoken Word Learning Differences Among Children With Dyslexia, Concomitant Dyslexia and Developmental Language Disorder, and Typical Development. LANGUAGE SPEECH AND HEARING SERVICES IN SCHOOLS, 50(4), 540–561.
- Alt, M., Arizmendi, G. ****, Gray, S., Hogan, T. p., Green, S., & Cowan, N. (2019). Novel word learning in children who are bilingual: comparison to monolingual peers. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 62, 2332–2360.
- Britton, D., Hoit, J. D., Pullen, E.**, Benditt, J. O., Baylor, C. R., & Yorkston, K. M. (2019). Experiences of Speaking With Noninvasive Positive Pressure Ventilation: A Qualitative Investigation. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 28(2S), 784–792.
- Casilio, M. E.**, Rising, K. L., Beeson, P. M., Bunton, K. E., & Wilson, S. M. (2019). Auditory-perceptual rating of connected speech in aphasia. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology.
- Cheek, D.***, & Cone, B. (2019). Evidence of Vowel Discrimination Provided by the Acoustic Change Complex. Ear and Hearing.
- Coco, L.****, Colina, S., Atcherson, S., & Marrone, N. (2017). Readability of Spanish-language patient reported outcome measures in audiology and otolaryngology. American Journal of Audiology, 26(3), 309-317.
- Coco, L.****, Ingram, M., & Marrone, N. (2019). Qualitative research methods to investigate communication within a group aural rehabilitation intervention. International Journal of Audiology, 1–10.
- Coco, L.****, Titlow, K***., Marrone, N. (2018). Geographic distribution of the hearing aid dispensing workforce: A teleaudiology planning assessment for Arizona. American Journal of Audiology, 27(S3), 462-473.
- Colina, S., Marrone, N., Ingram, M., & Sánchez, D.*** (2017). Translation quality assessment in health research: A functionalist alternative to back-translation. Evaluation & the Health Professions, 40(30): 267-293. [Epub ahead of print May 2016].
- Cone, B. K., & Cheek, D. S.*** (2019). Evidence of vowel discrimination provided by the acoustic change complex. Ear and Hearing, published ahead of print, 13.
- Eidsvåg, S. S. S., Plante, E., Oglivie, T.****, Privette, C.****, & Mailend, M.-L. (2019). Individual Versus Small Group Treatment of Morphological Errors for Children With Developmental Language Disorder. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 50(2), 237–252.
- Kapa, L., & Erikson, J.**** (2019). Variability of Executive Function Performance in Preschoolers with Developmental Language Disorder. Seminars in Speech and Language, 40(4), 243–255.
- So, L. Y.**, S.J. Munger, Miller, J. E. (2019). Social context-dependent singing alters molecular markers of sopaminergic and glutamatergic signaling in finch basal ganglia Area X. Behavioural Brain Research, 360, 103-112.
- Mailend, M.-L.****, Maas, E., Beeson, P. M., Story, B. H., & Forster, K. I. (2019). Speech motor planning in the context of phonetically similar words: Evidence from apraxia of speech and aphasia. Neuropsychologia, 127, 171–184.
- Marrone, N., Ingram, M., Bischoff, E.***, Burgen, K.***, Carvajal, S., Bell, M. (2019) Self-reported hearing difficulty and its association with general, cognitive, and psychosocial health in the state of Arizona, 2015. BMC Public Health, 19(1), 875. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-019-7175-5
- Marrone, N., Ingram, M., Somoza, M, *Sánchez Jacob, D., Sanchez, A.***, Adamovich, S., & Harris, F.P. (2017). Interventional audiology to address hearing healthcare disparities: Oyendo Bien pilot study. Seminars in Hearing, 38(2), 198-211.
- Marrone, N. L., Wong, A., & Coco, L.**** (2019). Oyendo Bien brings audiology and public health together. ASHA Leader.
- Musiek, F., Filippini, R., Schochat, E., & Wong, B.**** (2019). The GIN Test: A Meta-analysis on its Neuro-diagnostic Value. Journal of the American Academy of Audiology.
- Nicholas, K.**, Alt, M., & Hauwiller, E.** (2019). Variability of input in preposition learning by preschoolers with developmental language disorder and typically-developing language. Child Language Teaching and Therapy, 35, 55-74. DOI: 10.1177/0265659019830455
- Norrix, L. W., Thein, J.***, & Velenovsky, D. S. (2019). The effect of Kalman-weighted averaging and artifact rejection on residual noise during auditory brainstem response testing. American Journal of Audiology.
- Plante, E., Mettler, H. M****., Tucci, A.****, & Vance, R. (2019). Maximizing Treatment Efficiency in Developmental Language Disorder: Positive Effects in Half the Time. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 28(3), 1233–1247.
- Sachs, A.****, Rising, K., & Beeson, P. M. (2019). A retrospective study of long-term improvement on the Boston Naming Test. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 1–12.
- Sánchez, D.***, Adamovich, S.L., Ingram, M., Harris, F.P., de Zapien, J., Sanchez, A., Colina, S., & Marrone, N. (2017). The potential in preparing community health workers to address hearing loss. Journal of the American Academy of Audiology, 28(6), 562-574.
- Shehorn, J.****, Marrone, N., Muller, T. (2018). Speech perception in noise and listening effort of older adults with nonlinear frequency compression hearing aids. Ear and Hearing, 39(2), 215-225.
- Tucci, A.****, Plante, E., Vance, R., & Oglivie, T.**** (2019). Data-driven item selection for the Shirts and Shoes Test. Journal of Communication Disorders, 78, 46–56.
- Walker, J. A., & Wollersheim, M. **(2019). Exploring assistive technology use to support cognition in college students with histories of mild traumatic brain injury. Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology, 14(3), 255–266.
2019 Presentations with Student Co-Authors
- Ackley, K.****, & Brown, J. A. (2019, April). Concussion Knowledge in Parents: Evidence from State Surveys. Arizona Speech-Language-Hearing Association. Phoenix, AZ.
- Ackley, K.****, Brown, J., & Knollman-Porter, K. (2019, November). Collaborative, person-centered goal setting protocol for mild traumatic brain injury: A case example. American Congress of Rehabilitative Medicine Annual Conference. Chicago, IL.
- Ackley, K.****, Brown, J., & Knollman-Porter, K. (2019, November). Evaluation of a person-centered approach to goal setting for an individual with mTBI. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Conference. Orlando, FL.
- Alt, M., & Van Linden, N.* (2019, June). Implicit improvement of spelling through talker variability. Symposium on Research in Child Language Disorders. Madison, WI.
- Alt, M., & Arizmendi, G.** (2019, June). The development and validation of a functional task for quantifying language proficiency in Spanish-English bilingual children. Symposium on Research in Child Language Disorders. Madison, WI.
- Anderson, P.**, Boyd, C.**, Brown, J. A., & Thiessen, A. (2019, April). Linguistic Impact of AAC Layouts for Adults with Brain Injury. Arizona Speech-Language-Hearing Association.
- Badwal, A.**, Medina, C. A.**, Munger, S. J., & Miller, J. E. (2019). An Alpha-synuclein Overexpression Model of Vocal Symptoms in Parkinson’s Disease. Microscopy Society of America Conference. Portland, Oregon.
- Boyd, C.**, Anderson, P.**, Brown, J., & Thiessen, A. (2019, November). Linguistic impact of grid and scene AAC displays for adults with acquired brain injury. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Conference. Orlando, FL.
- Brown, J., Ackley, K.****, & Haller, K.**** (2019, November). Concussion knowledge in parents: Evidence from state surveys. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Conference. Orlando, FL.
- Brown, J., Knollman-Porter, K., & Ackley, K.**** (2019, November). Evaluation of a holistic assessment approach post-mTBI. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Conference. Orlando, FL.
- Coco, L.****, Ingram, M., & Marrone, N. L. (2019, June). Teleaudiology Facilitators: Identifying roles and training needs. Internet and Audiology Meeting. Southhampton, UK.
- Coco, L.****, & Marrone, N. L. (2019, October). Minimizing barriers to access through CONEXIONES: a teleaudiology study. Coalition for Global Hearing Health. Temple, AZ.
- Coco, L.****, Piper, R., & Marrone, N. L. (2019, May). Teleaudiology supports patients with hearing loss in rural and underserved communities. Border Health: Information for Action conference. Nogales, Mexico.
- Cone, B. K., Pourjavid, A.****, & MacFarlane, K. (2019, Summer). Electrophysiologic correlates of spatial release from masking. XXVIth Biennial symposium of the International Evoked response Audiometry Study Group, Sydney, Australia. Sydney, Australia: International Evoked Response Audiometry Study Group.
- Darling-White, M., Banks, S. W.**, & Lawson, J.* (2019, November). Acoustic changes in response to child-friendly cues for loud and clear speech. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention. Orlando, FL: American Speech-Language-Hearing Association.
- Everett, A.****, Marrone, N. L., Wong, B.****, & Musiek, F. (2019, March). Can Auditory Processing Abilities Predict Hearing Aid Satisfaction? American Auditory Society. Scottsdale, AZ.
- Everett, A.****, Marrone, N. L., Wong, B.****, & Musiek, F. (2019, May). Can Auditory Processing Abilities Predict Hearing Aid Satisfaction? A systematic review. International Hearing Loss Conference. Ontario, Canada.
- Haller, K.****, Brown, J., Tranby, B., & Laack, N. (2019, April). Evaluating cognitive-linguistic deficits after treatment for primary brain tumors. Pennsylvania Speech-Language-Hearing Association Conference. Lancaster, PA.
- Ibrahim, N.**, Vargas, E.**, Medina, C. A.**, Munger, S. J., & Miller, J. E. (2019). Effects of Alpha-synuclein Overexpression on Time Spent Singing in a Zebra Finch Model of Parkinson’s Disease. Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students (ABRCMS). Anaheim, CA.
- Kapa, L., Vovakes, A.**, & Erikson, J.**** (2019, November). Phonotactic Probability and Neighborhood Density Effects on Word Learning in Preschoolers with and without DLD. ASHA Convention 2019.
- Kielar, A., Rice, L. C.**, Mohr, S.**, Lughes, P.*, & McConville, K.* (2019, March). Relationship between phonology, semantics and paste tense inflection in post-stroke aphasia. Cognitive Neuroscience Society Conference (CNS). San Francisco, CA, USA: Cognitive Neuroscience Society.
- Mike, S.*, Mohr, S.**, Patterson, D., & Kielar, A. (2019, August). Facilitating phonological processing with repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS). 24th Annual UROC Research Conference, University of Arizona, Graduate College. Tucson, AZ.
- Morrison, A.*, Rice, L.***, Mohr, S.**, & Kielar, A. (2019, April). Speech deficits in patients with stroke-related aphasia: Analysis of narrative speech. Neuroscience & Cognitive Science Poster Forum, University of Arizona, College of Science. Tucson, AZ.
- Musiek, F., St. George, B.****, & Wong, B.**** (2019, February). Assessing Accuracy of a Commonly Used Automated Cortical Parcellation/Labeling for Human Auditory Cortex. ARO.
- Musiek, F., Whiteley, A.***, Wong, B.****, St. George, B.****, Schefer, M.***, Bushor, J.***, & Clancy, C.*** (2019, March). Establishing Visual Guidelines for the Locus of Human Auditory Cortex. AAA.
- Musiek, F., Whiteley, A.***, Wong, B.****, St. George, B.****, Schefer, M.***, Bushor, J.***, & Clancy, C.*** (2019, February). Establishing Visual Guidelines for the Locus of Human Auditory Cortex. ARO.
- Musiek, F., St. George, B.****, & Cone, B. (2019, March). Hemispheric Processing Asymmetries for Fixed vs. Moving Auditory Stimuli. AAA.
- Musiek, F., St. George, B.****, & Cone, B. (2019, February). Hemispheric Processing Asymmetries for Fixed vs. Moving Auditory Stimuli. ARO.
- Musiek, F., Wong, B.****, & St. George, B.**** (2019, February). Planum Temporale: A Morphological Taxonomy of the Posterior Superior Temporal Plane. ARO. Scottsdale, AZ.
- Real-Arrayga, A.*, Wong, A., & Marrone, N. L. (2019, August). Hearing Healthcare Treatment: What influences adherence? UA Health Sciences Border Latino & American Indian Summer Exposure to Research symposium. Tucson, AZ.
- Real-Arrayga, A.*, Wong, A., & Marrone, N. L. (2019, August). Hearing Healthcare Treatment: What influences adherence? UA Undergraduate Research Opportunities Consortium annual research conference. Tucson, AZ
- Skvarla, K.*, Mohr, S.**, & Kielar, A. (2019, April). Electrophysiological signature of verb argument processing: ERP study. Neuroscience & Cognitive Science Poster Forum, University of Arizona, College of Science. Tucson, AZ.
- Alt, M., & Van Linden, N.** (2019, June). Implicit improvement of spelling through talker variability. Symposium on Research in Child Language Disorders. Madison, WI.
- Wilkinson, M. *, & Alt, M. (2019, August). Moving towards culturally competent research in the field of speech language pathology. 24th Annual Undergraduate Research Opportunities Consortium Research Conference. Tucson, Arizona: UROC.
- Wollersheim, M.**, Brown, J. A., & Cazzato, K. (2019, April). Effects of Exposure to Synthetic Speech by People with Aphasia. Arizona Speech-Language-Hearing Association. Phoenix, AZ.
2018 Publications with Student Co-Authors
- Aguilar, J. M.****, Plante, E., & Sandoval, M. (2018). Exemplar Variability Facilitates Retention of Word Learning by Children With Specific Language Impairment. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 49(1), 72–84.
- Arizmendi, G.D.****, Alt, M., Gray, S., Hogan, T., Green, S., & Cowan, N. (2018). Do bilingual children have an executive function advantage? Results from inhibition, shifting, and updating tasks. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 49, 356-378. doi:10.1044/2018_LSHSS-17-0107
- Badwal, A.*, Poertner, J.*, Samlan, R. A., & Miller, J. E. (2018). Common Terminology and Acoustic Measures for Human Voice and Birdsong. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research. Dec 11:1-10. doi: 10.1044/2018_JSLHR-S-18-0218
- Brown, J. A., & Wollersheim, M.** (2018). Exploring assistive technology use to support cognition in college students with histories of mild traumatic brain injury. Disability & Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology, 1–12.
- Coco, L.****, Titlow, K. S., & Marrone, N. (2018). Geographic Distribution of the Hearing Aid Dispensing Workforce: A Teleaudiology Planning Assessment for Arizona. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF AUDIOLOGY, 27(3), 462–473.
- DeMarco, A. T.****, Wilson, S. M., Rising, K., Rapcsak, S. Z., & Beeson, P. M. (2018). The neural substrates of improved phonological processing following successful treatment in a case of phonological alexia and agraphia. Neurocase, 24(1), 31–40.
- Fabiano-Smith, L., & Hoffman, K.** (2018). Diagnostic Accuracy of Traditional Measures of Phonological Ability for Bilingual Preschoolers and Kindergarteners. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 49(1), 121–134.
- Kielar, A., Rice, L.C.****, & Mohr, S.** (2018, November). Priming past-tense in aphasia: Contribution of sound and meaning. Paper submitted at the American Speech-Language–Hearing Association Meeting, Boston, MA.
- Knollman-Porter, K., Brown, J. A., & Flynn, M.** (2018). A preliminary examination of concussion knowledge by collegiate athletes and non-athletes. American Journal of Speech Language Pathology, 27(2), 778–795.
- Marrone, N. L., Wong, A. A., Ingram, M., Coco, L. S.****, Piper, R., Colina, S., & Carvajal, S. C. (2018, November). Community-based Hearing Loss Education and Support Groups for Older Hispanic/Latinx Adults. The Gerontological Society of America 2018 Annual Scientific Meeting. John B. Hynes Veterans Memorial Convention Center in Boston, Massachusetts: The Gerontological Society of America.
- Plante, E., Tucci, A.****, Nicholas, K.****, Arizmendi, G. D****., & Vance, R. (2018). Effective Use of Auditory Bombardment as a Therapy Adjunct for Children With Developmental Language Disorders. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 49(2), 320–333.
- Sabri, M.**, & Fabiano-Smith, L. (2018). Phonological Development in a Bilingual Arabic-English-Speaking Child With Bilateral Cochlear Implants: A Longitudinal Case Study. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 27(4), 1506–1522.
- Samlan, R. A., Black, M. A., Abidov, M.**, Mohler, J., & Fain, M. (2018). Frailty Syndrome, Cognition, and Dysphonia in the Elderly. Journal of Voice : Official Journal of the Voice Foundation.
- Shehorn, J.****, Marrone, N., & Muller, T. (2018). Speech Perception in Noise and Listening Effort of Older Adults With Nonlinear Frequency Compression Hearing Aids. EAR AND HEARING, 39(2), 215–225.
- Smyser, H.**** & Alt, M. (2018). Developing mental orthographic representations in refugee spellers with low literacy: How much input is too much? Journal of Research in Reading, 41, 455-474. DOI:10.1111/1467-9817.12118
- Vitkus, L.***, Marrone, N. L., & Glisky, E. (2018). Elder Care: A Resource for Interprofessional Providers. Hearing Loss an Cognitive Assessment. The Portal of Geriatric Online Education.
- Vitkus, L.***, Cioltan, H., & Marrone, N. L. (2018). Elder Care: A Resource for Interprofessional Providers. Hearing Loss: Epidemiology and Assessment. The Portal of Geriatric Online Education.
2018 Presentations with Student Co-Authors
- Coco, L.****, Sorlie Titlow, K.***, & Marrone, N. L. (2018, February). Initial Teleaudiology Planning Assessment for the State of Arizona: Geographic Workforce Analysis. Meeting of Association for Research in Otolaryngology. San Diego, CA.
- Coco, L.****, Ingram, M., & Marrone, N. L. (2018, March). Qualitative Observation as an Approach to Evaluating Aural Rehabilitation. American Auditory Society. Scottsdale, AZ.
- Coco, L.****, Ingram, M., & Marrone, N. L. (2018, October). Knowledge and Skill Competencies for Teleaudiology Patient-site Facilitators. World Congress of Audiology. Cape Town, South Africa.
- Coco, L.****, Peterson, R***., & Marrone, N. L. (2018, October). Hearing Health Training builds capacity for Community Health Workers in the US. Coalition of Global Hearing Health. Cape Town, South Africa.
- Ichiba, K.***, Schoelen, S.*, & Smith, S. (2018, March). The ASSR, ACC and BMLD. American Auditory Society Annual Meeting/Conference. Scottsdale Arizona: American Auditory Society.
- Ingram, M., Coco, L.****, & Marrone, N. L. (2018, November). A Community Health Worker intervention to improve hearing loss-related communication and quality of life among older Latino adults. American Public Health Association. San Diego, CA.
- Kielar, A., Rice, L. C.**, & Mohr, S.** (2018, Autumn). Priming Past-Tense in Aphasia: Contribution of Sound and Meaning. American Speech-Language Hearing Association Conference (ASHA). Boston, MA: ASHA.
- Marrone, N. L., Wong, A. A., Ingram, M., Coco, L. S.****, Piper, R., Colina, S., & Carvajal, S. C. (2018, November). Community-based Hearing Loss Education and Support Groups for Older Hispanic/Latinx Adults. The Gerontological Society of America 2018 Annual Scientific Meeting. John B. Hynes Veterans Memorial Convention Center in Boston, Massachusetts: The Gerontological Society of America.
- Marrone, N. L., Ingram, M., & CoCo, L.**** (2018, November). A Community Health Worker intervention to improve hearing loss-related communication and quality of life among older Latino adults. APHA Annual Meeting. San Diego, CA: American Public Health Association.
- McFarlane, K.*, Marrone, N. L., & Pourjavid, A.**** (2018, March). Electrophysiologic Investigation of Spatial Release from Masking. American Auditory Society Conference/Meeting. Scottsdale, AZ: American Auditory Society.
- McFarlane, K.*, Pourjavid, A.****, & Marrone, N. (2018, February). Electrophysiologic Investigation of Spatial Release from Masking in Adults with Normal Hearing. Association for Research in Otolaryngology 41st Mid-Winter Meeting. San Diego, California: Association for Research in Otolaryngology.
- Morrison, A.*, Rice, L.**, Mohr, S.**, & Kielar, A. (2018, Summer). Narrative production in stroke related aphasia and older adults. Undergraduate Biology Research Project Day, University of Arizona. Tucson, AZ.
- Musiek, F., Wong, B.****, & Everett, A****. (2018, April). A Review of Diagnostic Indices of the Middle Latency Response. AAA.
- Musiek, F., MacKenzie, S.***, Ichiba, K.***, & Clark, L. (2018, April). Dichotic Listening in Patients with Auditory Hallucinations`. AAA.
- Musiek, F., MacKenzie, S.***, Ichiba, K.***, & Clark, L. (2018, March). Dichotic Listening in Patients with Auditory Hallucinations. American Auditory Society. Scottsdale, AZ.
- Musiek, F., Wong, B.****, & Whiteley, A.*** (2018, March). Planum Temporale: Morphological Taxonomy of the Posterior Superior Temporal Plane. American Auditory’s Society.
- Musiek, F., Wong, B.****, & Whiteley, A.*** (2018, April). Planum Temporale: Morphological Taxonomy of the Posterior Superior Temporal Plane. AAA.
- Pourjavid, A.****, McFarland, K.***, Marrone, N., & Cone, B. K. (2018, Spring). Electrophysiologic investigation of spatial release from masking. Association for Research in Otolaryngology.
- Real-Arrayga, A.*, Marrone, N. L., Wong, A. A., Coco, L.****, & Le, G. (2018, August). Hearing Healthcare Treatment: What Influences Adherence? The Border Latino & American Indian Summer Exposure to Research (BLAISER) Poster Session. University or Arizona: The Border Latino & American Indian Summer Exposure to Research (BLAISER).
- Sachs, A.****, Rising, K. L., & Beeson, P. M. (2018, May). A retrospective study of long-term improvement on the Boston Naming Test. Clinical Aphasiology Conference. Austin, TX.
- Story, B. H., Bunton, K., and Diamond, R.**, (2018, May). Changes in vowel space characteristics during speech development based on longitudinal of measurements of formant frequencies. Presented at the 175th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, JASA, 143 (3), 1971.
- Tucci, A.****, Plante, E., & Vance, R. (2018, May). Can efficiency of enhanced conversational recast treatment be improved with high density doses? Poster presented at the Symposium for Research in Child Language Disorders, Madison, WI.
- Thein, J.***, Norrix, L. W., Vasey, J.*, & Velenovsky, D. S. (2018, March). Residual noise using Intelligent Hearing and Vivosonic Integrity ABR systems. American Auditory Society. Scottsdale, AZ.
- Vitkus, L.***, Marrone, N. L., & Glisky, E. (2018, July). Elder Care: A Resource for Interprofessional Providers. Hearing Loss an Cognitive Assessment. Alzheimer’s Association International Conference. Chicago, IL.
2017 Publications with Student Co-Authors
- Bourgoyne, A.**, & Alt, M. (2017). The effect of visual variability on the learning of academic concepts. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 60, 1568-1576. doi:10.1044/2017_JSLHR-L-16-0271
- Coco, L.****, Colina, S., Atcherson, S. R., & Marrone, N. (2017). Readability Level of Spanish-Language Patient-Reported Outcome Measures in Audiology and Otolaryngology. American Journal of Audiology, 26(3), 309–317.
- Cone, B. K., & Cheek, D.***(2017). Employing the acoustic change complex for vowel discrimination. Bulletin of the American Auditory Society, 42(1).
- DeMarco, A.T.***, Wilson, S.M., Rising, K., Rapcsak, S.Z. & Beeson, P.M. (2017). Neural substrates of sublexical processing for spelling. Brain and Language, 164, 118-128.
- Ichiba, K.***, Schoelen, S., Pourjavid, A.****, & Cone, B. K. (2017). MOCR variability across CEOAEs and DPOAEs. Bulletin of the American Auditory Society, 42(1).
- Kapa, L.*****, Plante, E., & Doubleday, K.J. (in press). Applying a Developmental Integrative Framework of Executive Function to Preschoolers with Specific Language Impairment. Journal of Speech, Language, & Hearing Research.
- Marrone, N., Ingram, M., Somoza, M., Jacob, D. S., Sanchez, A.***, Adamovich, S., & Harris, F. P. (2017). Interventional Audiology to Address Hearing Health Care Disparities: Oyendo Bien Pilot Study. Seminars in Hearing, 38(2), 198–211.
- Plante, E., Patterson, D., Sandoval, M.****, Vance, C.J.*, Asbjørnsen, A.E. (2017). An fMRI study of implicit language learning in developmental language impairment. NeuroImage Clinical, 14, 277-285. PMC 5295640
- Sánchez, D., Adamovich, S., Ingram, M., Harris, F. P., de Zapien, J., Sánchez, A.***, … Marrone, N. (2017). The Potential in Preparing Community Health Workers to Address Hearing Loss. Journal of the American Academy of Audiology, 28(6), 562–574.
- Sandoval, M.*****, Patterson, D., Dai, H., Vance, C.J., and Plante, E. (2017) Neural Correlates of Morphology Acquisition through a Statistical Learning Paradigm, Front Psychol. 2017; 8: 1234.
- Shehorn, J.****, Marrone, N., & Muller, T. (2017). Speech Perception in Noise and Listening Effort of Older Adults With Nonlinear Frequency Compression Hearing Aids. Ear and Hearing.
- Smith SB****, Lichtenhan J and Cone, BK (2017). Contralateral inhibition of click- and chirp-evoked human compound action potentials. Front Neurosci. Apr 4;11:189.
- Smyser, H.** & Alt, M. (in press). Developing mental orthographic representations in refugee spellers with low literacy: How much input is too much? Journal of Research in Reading. DOI:10.1111/1467-9817.12118
2017 Presentations with Student Co-Authors
- Arizmendi, G.****, Alt, M., Gray, S., Hogan, T., Green, S., & Cowan, N. (2017, June). Exploring the bilingual advantage in 2nd-grade children: Monolingual and bilingual performance on central executive tasks of working memory. Poster presentation at the Symposium on Research in Child Language Disorders, Madison, WI.
- Bareiss, I.*, Hoit, J., Benditt, J., and Britton, D. (April, 2017). Speech powered by mouthpiece positive pressure inspirations in neuromuscular disease. Presented at the Arizona Speech-Language-Hearing Association Conference, Tucson, AZ.
- Buss, E.*, & Dai, H. (2017, Spring). Effects of temporal coherence and signal-frequency uncertainty for tone detection in a random-frequency multi-tonal masker. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America.
- Cheek, D.***, Filippini, R.*****, & Musiek, F. Audiologic evaluation of the Multiple Sclerosis Patient (Mentored Student Research Poster Award). Presented at the American Auditory Society’s 43rd Annual Scientific & Technology Conference, Scottsdale, AZ, March 3-5, 2016. Also presented at American Auditory Society’s 44th Annual Scientific & Technology Conference, Scottsdale, AZ, March 2-4, 2017.
- Cone, B. K., & Cheek, D.*** (2017, Spring). Employing the acoustic change complex for vowel discrimination. American Auditory Society.
- Cone, B. K., Smith, S.****, & Cheek, D.*** (2017, May). Using cortical evoked potentials to predict speech feature perception in infants. XXV Biennial Symposium of the International Evoked Response Audiometry Study Group Biennial Symposium. Warsaw, Poland.
- Cone, B. K., Smith, S.****, & Cheek, D.*** (2017, May). Variability of medial olivo-cochlear reflex across click - and distortion product evoked otoacoustic emissions. XXV Biennial Symposium of the International Evoked Response Audiometry Study Group Biennial Symposium. Warsaw, Poland.
- Denny, N.***, Velenovsky, D. S., & Dean, J. (2017, March). Validation of a novel hearing aid fitting guide for humanitarian audiology. American Auditory Society Annual Spring Meeting. Scottsdale, AZ.
- Everett, A.***, Denny, N.*** & Musiek, F. Variations in the Duration Pattern Test (poster). Presented at the 29th American Academy of Audiology Annual Conference. Indianapolis, IN, April 5-8, 2017. Also presented at American Auditory Society’s 44th Annual Scientific & Technology Conference, Scottsdale, AZ, March 2-4, 2017.
- Fabiano-Smith, L. & Privette, C.**** (2017, July). Accurate diagnosis of speech and language disorders in bilingual preschool and school-aged children. Bilingual Therapies Symposium. Miami, FL.
- Fabiano-Smith, L. & Privette, C.**** (2017, June). Diagnostic accuracy in the assessment of Latino preschoolers with suspected speech sound disorders. Poster presentation submitted to the Symposium on Research in Child Language Disorders (SRCLD). Madison, WI.
- Fabiano-Smith, L. & Privette, C.**** (November 2017). Diagnostic accuracy of traditional measures of phonological ability with bilingual preschoolers. Oral presentation submitted to the annual convention of the American Speech, Language, and Hearing Association (ASHA). Los Angeles, CA.
- Filippini, R.*****, Wong, B.***, & Musiek F. Diagnostic Accuracy of the GIN Test for Neuro-auditory Lesions. Presented at the 29th American Academy of Audiology Annual Conference. Indianapolis, IN, April 5-8, 2017. Also presented at American Auditory Society’s 44th Annual Scientific & Technology Conference, Scottsdale, AZ, March 2-4, 2017.
- Fein, M.**, Bayley, C., Rising, K. & Beeson, P.M. (2017, November). Facilitating functional use of texting in aphasia. Poster presentation at the Annual Convention of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Los Angeles, CA.
- Fein, M.**, & Beeson, P. M. (2017, November). Facilitating functional use of texting in aphasia. Annual Convention of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. San Francisco, CA.
- Hernandez, G.*, Alt, M., & Figueroa, C. (2017, August). Applying principles of learning theory to a spelling intervention. 22nd Annual Undergraduate Research Opportunities Consortium (UROC) Research Conference. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Undergraduate Research Opportunities Consortium (UROC).
- Ivy, Cheek, D.***, Musiek, F. ABR Heralds the Initial Diagnosis of Neurofibromatosis Type II (poster). Presented at the 29th American Academy of Audiology Annual Conference. Indianapolis, IN, April 5-8, 2017.
- Kapa, L., Erikson, J. A.****, Plante, E. M., & Vance, R. (2017, June). Executive function and word learning in preschool aged children with SLI. Symposium on Research in Child Language Disorders. Madison, WI.
- Kielar, A., Deschamps, T.**, Jokel, R., Meltzer, J.A. (2017, November). Oscillatory Abnormalities in Primary Progressive Aphasia. Society for the Neurobiology of Language, Baltimore, MD.
- Mast, W.*** and Dai, H. (2017). In search of an improved pure-tone audiometry procedure, American Auditory Society, Phoenix, AZ.
- Mast, W.***, & Dai, H. (2017, March). In search of an improved pure-tone audiometry procedure. Conference of the American Auditory Society. Scotsdale, AZ: American Auditory Society.
- Mettler, H.**, Alt, M., Gray, S., Hogan, T., Green, S., & Cowan, N. (2017, June). The relationship between phonological working memory and sentence production in school-age children. Poster presentation at the Symposium on Research in Child Language Disorders, Madison, WI.
- Musiek, F., DeMarco, A.****, & St. George, B.*** (2017, February). Modern Views on the Anatomy of Planum Temporale. Association for Research in Otolarngology Conference. Baltimore, MD.
- Musiek, F., Ivy, D., & Cheek, D.*** (2017, April). ABR Heralds the Initial Diagnosis of Neurofibromatosis Type II. American Academy of Audiology Annual Conference. Indianapolis, IN: American Academy of Audiology.
- Musiek, F., Wong, B.***, & Filippini, R.***** (2017, March). Auditory Temporal Processing Tests: An Indicator of CANS Pathology. American Auditory Society’s 44th Annual Scientific & Technology Conference. Scottsdale, AZ.
- Musiek, F., Wong, B.***, & Filippini, R.***** (2017, March). Diagnostic Accuracy of the GIN Test for Neuro-auditory Lesions. American Auditory Society’s 44th Annual Scientific & Technology Conference. Scottsdale, AZ.
- Musiek, F., DeMarco, A.****, & St. George, B.*** (2017, March). Modern Views on the Anatomy of Planum Temporale. American Auditory Society’s 44th Annual Scientific & Technology Conference. Scottsdale, AZ.
- Musiek, F., DeMarco, A.****, & St. George, B.*** (2017, April). Modern Views on the Anatomy of Planum Temporale. American Academy of Audiology Annual Conference. Indianapolis, IN: American Academy of Audiology.
- Musiek, F., Everett, A****., & Denny, N.*** (2017, March). Variations in the Duration Pattern Test. American Auditory Society’s 44th Annual Scientific & Technology Conference. Scottsdale, AZ.
- Musiek, F., Everett, A.****, & Denny, N.*** (2017, April). Variations in the Duration Pattern Test. American Academy of Audiology Annual Conference. Indianapolis, IN: American Academy of Audiology.
- Musiek, F., DeMarco, A.****, & St. George, B.*** (2017, April). A 3-D Rotational Tour of the Vetebro-basilar System: It’s Neuroanatomy and NeuroAudiology. American Academy of Audiology: AudiologyNOW! Indianapolis, IN.
- Musiek, F., Wong, B.***, & Filippini, R.***** (2017, April). Auditory Temporal Processing Tests: An Indicator of CANS Pathology. American Academy of Audiology Annual Conference. Indianapolis, IN: American Academy of Audiology.
- Musiek, F., Wong, B.***, & Filippini, R.***** (2017, April). Diagnostic Accuracy of the GIN Test for Neuro-auditory Lesions. American Academy of Audiology Annual Conference. Indianapolis, IN: American Academy of Audiology.
- Oglivie, T. K.****, Eidsvag, S. s., Privette, C. M.*****, Mailend, M.-L., & Plante, E. M. (2017, June). Group versus individual treatment for children with SLI. Symposium on research in Child Language Disorders. Madison, WI.
- Peterson, R., Coco, L. S****., Ingram, M., Redondo, F., & Marrone, N. L. (2017, Autumn). Training Community Health Workers on hearing health concerns in aging: A feasibility study. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting. Atlanta, Georgia: APHA.
- Rumery, K.**, Brancheau, M., Brown, V., Hoit, J., and Bunton, K. (April, 2017). Development of velopharyngeal closure in infants and toddlers. Presented at the Arizona Speech-Language-Hearing Association Conference, Tucson, AZ.
- Smith, S., Ichiba, K.***, Velenovsky, D., & Cone, B. K. (2017, Spring). Efferent effects on complementary pre-neural and neural distortion products. Association for Research in Otolaryngology.
- St. George, B.***, Demarco, A.**** & Musiek, F. Modern Views on the Anatomy of Planum Temporale (poster). Presented at the 29th American Academy of Audiology Annual Conference. Indianapolis, IN, April 5-8, 2017. Also presented at American Auditory Society’s 44th Annual Scientific & Technology Conference, Scottsdale, AZ, March 2-4, 2017.
- Tucci, A.****, Plante, E. M., Vance, R., Oglivie, T****., & Yeats, C. (2017, June). Item analysis for the development of the shirts and shoes test for 6-year-olds. Symposium on Research in Child Language Disorders. Madison, WI.
- Wong, B.***, Filippini, R.***** & Musiek F. Auditory Temporal Processing Tests: An Indicator of CANS Pathology. 29th American Academy of Audiology Annual Conference. Indianapolis, IN, April 5-8, 2017. Also presented at American Auditory Society’s 44th Annual Scientific & Technology Conference, Scottsdale, AZ, March 2-4, 2017.
2016 Publications with Student Co-Authors
- Alt, M., Arizmendi, G.D.****, & DiLallo, J.N.* (2016). The role of socioeconomic status in the narrative story retells of school-aged English language learners. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 47, 313-323. DOI: 10.1044/2016_LSHSS-15-0036.
- Beeson, P.M., Rising, K., DeMarco, A.T.***, Foley, T.H.**, & Rapcsak, S.Z. (2016). The nature and treatment of phonological text agraphia. Neuropsychological rehabilitation, 1-21.
- Bourgoyne, A.**, & Alt, M. (2016, June). Applying learning theory to the acquisition of academic vocabulary. Poster presented at the Symposium on Research in Child Language Disorders, Madison, WI.
- Colina, S., Marrone, N., Ingram, M., Sánchez, D.*** (2016) Translation Quality Assessment in Health Research: A functionalist alternative to back translation. Evaluation & the Health Professions
- Encinas, D.**, & Plante, E. (2016). Feasibility of Enhanced Conversational Recast Treatment with Young Cochlear Implant Users. Language, Speech, & Hearing Services in Schools, 47, 157-170.
- Everett, A.***, St. George, B.****, Denny, N.***, & Musiek, F. (2016). Anatomical findings of the angular gyrus: Preliminary findings. Journal of Hearing Science 6(2), 29-39.
- Goodman, M.*, Beeson, P.M., Wilson, S., & Fisher, J. (2016, November). Long-term recovery of aphasia. Poster presentation at the Annual Convention of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Philadelphia, PA.
- Ingram, M., Marrone, N., Sanchez, D. T.***, Sander, A., Navarro, C., de Zapien, J. G., … Harris, F. (2016). Addressing Hearing Health Care Disparities among Older Adults in a US-Mexico Border Community. Frontiers in Public Health, 4, 169.
- Mailend, M-L.****, Plante, E., Anderson, M.A., Applegate, E.B., & Nelson, N.W. (2016). Reliability of the Test of Integrated Language and Literacy Skills. International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders, 51, 447-459.
- Meyers-Denman, C.N., & Plante, E. (2016). Dose schedule and conversational recast treatment for children with specific language impairment. Language, Speech, & Hearing Services in Schools, 47, 334-346.
- Neely, K. D.**, Bunton, K., and Story, B. H. (2016). A modeling study of the effects of vocal tract movement duration and magnitude on the F2 trajectory in CV words. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 59, 1327-1334.
- Ricks, S.** &, Alt, M. (2016). Theoretical principles to guide the teaching of adjectives to children who struggle with word learning: Synthesis of experimental and naturalistic research with principles of learning theory. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 47, 181-190. doi:10.1044/2016_LSHSS-15-0034
- Sachs, A.** & Beeson, P.M. (2016, November). Long-term recovery of naming abilities in individuals with aphasia. Platform presentation at the Annual Convention of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Philadelphia, PA.
- Smith SB****; Lichtenhan J; Cone B. (2016) Behavioral pure-tone threshold shifts caused by tympanic membrane electrodes. Ear & Hearing. 37(4):e273-5.
- Wilson, S.M., DeMarco, A.T.***, Henry, M.L., Gesierich, B., Babiak, M., Miller, B.L. & Gorno-Tempini, M.L. (2016). Variable disruption of a syntactic processing network in primary progressive aphasia. Brain, 139(11), 2994-3006.
2016 Presentations with Student Co-Authors
- Aguilar, J. ****& Plante, E. (2016, June). Exemplar variability facilitates word learning for children with specific language impairment. Poster presentation at the Symposium on Research in Child Language Disorders, Madison, WI.
- Beukelman, P.****, Jordan, K., Dean, J. (2016, April). Patient Demographics of Audiologic Care Provided by Arizona Sonora Borders Project. Mexico. American Academy of Audiology national meeting, Phoenix, AZ.
- Ceruti, J., Bernstein, L., & Musiek, F. Behavioral and Electrophysiological Measures of Partially Filled Gap Detection Performance (Mentored Student Research Poster Award). Presented at the American Auditory Society’s 43rd Annual Scientific & Technology Conference, Scottsdale, AZ, March 3-5, 2016.
- Cheek, D.****, Filippini, R.*****, & Musiek, F. (2016, April 13th). Audiologic evaluation of the Multiple Sclerosis Patient (poster). Presented at the Academy Research Conference. Phoenix, AZ. (Poster Presentation Scholarship Award)
- Cheek, D.***, Filippini, R.*****, & Musiek, F. (2016, March 3-5). Audiologic evaluation of the Multiple Sclerosis Patient (poster). Presented at the American Auditory Society’s 43rd Annual Scientific & Technology Conference. Scottsdale, AZ. (Mentored Student Research Poster Award).
- Dailey, N.S.****, Patterson, D.K., & Plante, E. (2016, June). Structural Differences of the Reading Network in Adults with Dyslexia. Poster presentation at the Symposium on Research in Child Language Disorders, Madison, WI.
- Denny, N.*** & Musiek, F. (2016, April). Frequency Pattern Perception for Lesions Along the Auditory Pathway (poster). Presented at the 28th American Academy of Audiology Annual Conference. Phoenix, AZ, April 13-16, 2016.
- Denny, N.***, Duncan, B. MD, MPH. Trujillo. F, Cota A.* Dean, J. (2016, April) Addressing the Need for Hearing Health Services in the Underserved Community of Nogales, MX. American Academy of Audiology National meeting, Phoenix, AZ.
- Erikson, J.****, Alt, M., Gray, S., Hogan, T., Green, S., & Cowan, N. (2016, June). Phonological transfer during word learning: Evidence from bilingual school-age Spanish-English-speaking children. Oral presentation at the Symposium on Research in Child Language Disorders, Madison, WI.
- Everett, A.***, St. George, B.***, Denny, N.*** & Musiek, F. (2016) The Angular Gyrus: New Views on its Anatomy and Location (2016). Presented at the 29th Annual Association for Research in Otolaryngology MidWinter Meeting. San Diego, CA, February 20-24, 2016. Also presented at the 28th American Academy of Audiology Annual Conference, Phoenix, AZ, April 13-16, 2016.
- Fabiano-Smith, L. & Konen, C.** (accepted, June, 2016). Phonological diagnostic criteria for the English of bilingual children: Preventing health disparities in Latino children. The International Child Phonology Conference (ICPC). Flagstaff, AZ.
- ****Gonzalez, J. & Musiek, F. (2016). The Onset-Offset N1-P2-Evoked Response in Individuals with High-Frequency Sensorineural Hearing Loss (Mentored Student Research Poster Award). Presented at the American Auditory Society’s 43rd Annual Scientific & Technology Conference. Scottsdale, AZ. Also presented at the 28th American Academy of Audiology Annual Conference, Phoenix, AZ, April 13-16, 2016.
- Goodman, M.**, Beeson, P.M., Wilson, S., & Fisher, J. (2016, November). Long-term recovery of aphasia. Poster presentation at the Annual Convention of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Philadelphia, PA.
- Hess, S.**** and Dai, H. (2016, March). On Estimating Internal Noise: Comparison of Three Methods, American Auditory Society, Phoenix, AZ.
- Hess, S.**** and Dai, H. (2016, March). Statistical Confidence in the Comparison between Estimated Decision Weights, American Auditory Society, Phoenix, AZ.
- Kapa, L.*****, Plante, E., & Vance, R.B. (2016, June). Artificial Grammar Learning in Preschoolers with and without SLI. Presentation Poster presentation at the Symposium on Research in Child Language Disorders, Madison, WI.
- Lester, R.****, and Story, B. H., (March, 2016). Predicting Listener Perception of Simulated Laryngeal Vocal Tremor Using A Novel Measure of Pitch Modulation Strength, presented at the 2016 International Conference on Motor Speech, Newport Beach, CA.
- Marrone, N., Moseley, S. , Glisky, E., and Shehorn, J.**** (2016, September) Hearing Loss, Cognition, and Healthy Aging. Featured Speaker at the Arizona Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Tucson, AZ.
- Munger, SJ, C.A. Medina, L.Y.**** So, K.B. Church*, J.L. Ritter*, J.E. Miller. Role of Alpha-synuclein in Area X of Adult Male Zebra Finches: implications for acoustic variability in birdsong. Society for Neuroscience (SFN), 2016, Tucson, AZ.
- Neely, K.****, Story, B., & Bunton, K. (2016, March). Comparison of lip rounding by children and adults. Presented at the 18th Biennial Conference on Motor Speech Disorders: Motor Speech Disorders and Speech Motor Control: Newport:CA.
- Oglivie, T.****, Mailend, M-L.****, Plante, E. (2016, June). Receptive Language Deficits in Children with SLI. Poster presentation at the Symposium on Research in Child Language Disorders, Madison, WI.
- Sachs, A.** & Beeson, P.M. (2016, November). Long-term recovery of naming abilities in individuals with aphasia. Platform presentation at the Annual Convention of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Philadelphia, PA.
- Samlan, R.A., Scholer, D.**, Monti, S.**, & Black, M., (2016, April) Southwest Laryngology Conference (Invited) Age-related dysphonia is different than normal aging voice: preliminary evidence, Scottsdale, AZ, April 2016.
- Sanchez, A.***, Ingram, M., Marrone, N. (2016, April) Effects of Hearing Loss on Relationships in Mexican American Families. Poster presented at AudiologyNOW! 2016, Phoenix, AZ.
- Sanchez, A.***, Marrone, N., Ingram, M., De Zapien, J, Sánchez, D., Harris, F., Colina, S. (2016, March) Hearing loss management in a rural community: Barriers and facilitators. Poster presented at the American Auditory Society meeting, Scottsdale, AZ.
- Scholer, D.M.**, Samlan, R.A., Abidov, M.*, Dauphinais, K., Pan American Vocology Association (2016, October) Aerodynamic and acoustic measures in the passagio: indicators of vocal concern? Scottsdale, AZ.
- Smith, J.***, Dean, J, Velenovsky, D. Story. B. (2016, April). Sound Exposure Levels Experienced by University Music Students and Subsequent Correlation to Hearing Loss. American Academy of Audiology national meeting, Phoenix, AZ.
- So, LY****, S.J. Munger, J.E. Miller. (2016). Behavioral Regulation of Dopamine Biomarkers in Area X of Adult Male Zebra Finch Songbirds. Society for Neuroscience (SFN), Tucson, AZ.
- St. George, B.***, DeMarco, A.****, & Musiek, F. (2016, April). Revisiting anatomical variability along the Sylvian fissure: its impact on central auditory research (poster). To be presented at the 28th American Academy of Audiology Annual Conference. Phoenix, AZ.
- St. George, B.***, DeMarco, A.****, & Musiek, F. (2016, February). Unusual Morphology of the Posterior Sylvian Fissure: Trifurcations and False Ascending Rami (poster). Presented at the 29th Annual Association for Research in Otolaryngology MidWinter Meeting. San Diego, CA.
2015 Publications with Student Co-Authors
- Bonakdarpour, B., Rapcsak S.Z., DeMarco A.T.****, & Beeson, P.M. (2015). Variability in blood oxygen level dependent (BOLD) signal in patients with stroke-induced and primary progressive aphasia. NeuroImage: Clinical, 8, 87-94.
- Carbonell, K. M.****, Lester, R. A.****, Story, B. H., and Lotto, A. J., (2015). Discriminating simulated vocal tremor using amplitude modulation spectra, J. Voice, 29(2), 140-147, doi:10.1016/j.jvoice.2014.07.020
- Fabiano-Smith, L., Oglivie, T.****, Maiefski, O.**, & Schertz, J.** (2015). Acquisition of the stop-spirant alternation in bilingual Mexican-English speaking children: Theoretical and clinical implications. Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics, 29 (1), 1-26.
- Fuglevand, A.J., Lester, R.A.***, & Johns, R.K. (2015). Distinguishing intrinsic from extrinsic factors underlying firing rate saturation in human motor units. Journal of Neurophysiology, 113(5), 1310-1322.
- Lester, R.L.****, and Story, B.H., (2015). The effects of physiological adjustments on the perceptual and acoustical characteristics of simulated laryngeal vocal tremor. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 138(2), 953-963,
- Maas, E., Mailend, M.-L.****, & Guenther, F. H. (2015). Feedforward and feedback control in apraxia of speech (AOS): Effects of noise masking on vowel production. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 58, 185-200.
- Marrone, N., Alt, M., DeDe, G., Olson, S.**, & Shehorn, J.**** (2015). Effects of steady-State noise on verbal working memory in young adults. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 58, 1793-1804.
- Miller, G.***, Miller, C., Marrone, N., Howe. C., Fain, M., and Jacob, A. (2015) The impact of cochlear implantation on cognition in older adults: A review of clinical evidence. BMC Geriatrics, 15: 16.
- Muller, T., Adamovich, S.L., Le, G.***, Marrone, N., Norrix, L., and Wong, A. (2015) Toward an Affordable Hearing Aid Option for Adult Arizonans with Limited Income. Report of a task force review commissioned by the Arizona Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing.
- Smith, S.B.*** & Cone, B.K. (2015). The medial olivocochlear reflex in children during active listening. International Journal of Audiology, 54(8): 518-523.
- St. George, B.***, Cheek, D.***, Everett, A.***, & Musiek, F. (2015). Cryoloop cooling: A research advance with clinical implications. Hearing Health and Technology Matters Pathways Society.
2015 Presentations with Student Co-Authors
- Aguilar, J.M.**** (2015, May 6). Exemplar Variability and Word Learning by Children with Specific Language Impairment (SLI). (Doctoral Prospectus Colloquium).
- Arizmendi, G.D.****, Alt, M., Gray, S., Hogan, T., Green, S., & Cowan, N. (2015, June). Word Learning in Spanish-English Bilingual Children. Poster to be presented at the thirty-sixth Annual Symposium on Research in Child Language Disorders, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin
- Beeson, P.M., Rising, K., DeMarco, A.T.****, & Rapcsak, S.Z. (2015, October 18). Exploring the neural substrates of phonological recovery. Platform talk presented at the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Aphasia, Tucson, AZ.
- Bunton, K., Rumery, K.**, & Hoit, J. (November, 2015). Development of velopharyngeal closure: Motor or language skill? Paper presented at the American Speech-Langauge-Hearing Association Convention, Denver, CO
- Carbonell, K.M.**** “What can we learn about speech from a bionic ear?” University of Arizona Grad Slam; Tucson, AZ; March, 25, 2015.
- Chong, C.** & Fabiano-Smith, L. (November 2015). Facilitators and barriers to graduatestudents from minority backgrounds in speech, language, and hearing programs. Poster presentation submitted to the annual convention of the American Speech, Language, and Hearing Association (ASHA). Denver, CO.
- Cone, B.K. Smith, S.B.****, & Cheek, D. (February, 2015). Using the Evoked Potentials to Predict Speech Feature Discrimination in Infants. Association for Research in Otolaryngology, Baltimore, MD.
- DeMarco, A.T.****, Rising, K., Shultz, C., Bayley, C., & Beeson, P.M. (2015, October 18). Whole-word response scoring underestimates functional spelling ability. Poster presented at the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Aphasia, Tucson, AZ
- DiLallo, J.*, Mettler, H.**, & DeDe, G. (2015, November). A corpus-based analysis of verb transitivity biases in individuals with aphasia [Oral presentation]. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Denver, CO.
- Eagan, D.E. Steward, K., Kaur, S., DeMarco, A.****, Haley, A.P. (2015, February). Infection with herpes simplex-1 is associated with reductions in executive function and full scale IQ (FSIQ) among healthy middle-aged adults with genetic risk for Alzheimer’s disease. Poster presented at the 43rd annual meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society (INS), Denver, Colorado.
- Lester, R.****, and Story, B. H., (May, 2015). Acoustical bases for the perception of vibrato as a model of vocal tremor, Presented at the 44th Annual Symposium of the Voice Foundation: Care of the Professional Voice. Philadelphia, PA.
- Marrone, N., Ingram, M., de Zapien, J., Sánchez, D.***, Harris, F.P., Adamovich, S.L., Colina, S., and Carvajal, S. (March 5-7, 2015) Community-based participatory research on hearing loss in a border/low-resource community. Podium session presented at the American Auditory Society meeting, Scottsdale, AZ.
- Marrone, N., Ingram, M., de Zapien, J., Sánchez, D.***, Sanchez, A. *, Harris, F., Piper, R., Adamovich, S., Colina, S., & Carvajal, S. (September 16-18, 2015). Addressing disparities in accessing hearing healthcare in a U.S.-Mexico border community. Poster presentation at the 7th Biennial National Center for Rehabilitative Auditory Research conference, “Hearing Loss as a Public Health Concern,” Portland, OR.
- Marrone, N., Ingram, M., Harris, F.P., Adamovich, S.L., Sánchez, D.***, Sanchez, A.*, de Zapien, J., and Carvajal, S. (March 5-7, 2015) Communicating in a medical visit with hearing loss: Patient-Provider Perspectives. Poster presented at the American Auditory Society meeting, Scottsdale, AZ.
- Marrone, N., Ingram, M., de Zapien, J., Sánchez, D.***, Harris, F., Piper, R., Adamovich, S., Colina, S., & Carvajal, S. (November 4, 2015). Addressing disparities in hearing health care in a U.S.-Mexico Border community. Poster presented at the American Public Health Association Annual Meeting. Chicago, IL
- McDonald, S.** & Fabiano-Smith, L. (November 2015). Rating language proficiency in bilingual preschoolers. Poster presentation submitted to the annual convention of the American Speech, Language, and Hearing Association (ASHA). Denver, CO.
- Muller, T., Marrone, N., Le, G.***, Norrix, L., and Wong, A. (October 15, 2015) Toward an Affordable Hearing Aid Option for Adult Arizonans with Limited Income. Invited presentation to the Arizona Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, Tucson, AZ.
- Neely, K.****, Bunton, S., & Neely, K. (November, 2015) The impact of the Parkinson Wellness Recovery (PWR!) physical therapy program on speech production. Paper presented at the American Speech-Langauge-Hearing Association Convention, Denver, CO.
- Rumery, K.**, Chong, C.**, Lougher, A.**, Hoit, J. & Bunton, K. (April, 2015). Velopharyngeal closure during the first two years of life. Paper presented at the Arizona Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention,Tempe, AZ
- Sabri, M.** & Fabiano-Smith, L. (June, 2015). Phonological acquisition in a bilingual Arabic-English speaking child with cochlear implants: A longitudinal study. Poster presentation given at the International Child Phonology Conference (ICPC). St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada.
- Sabri, M.** & Fabiano-Smith, L. (November 2015). Phonological acquisition in a bilingual Arabic-English speaking child with cochlear implants: A longitudinal study. Twenty-minute technical session submitted to the annual convention of the American Speech, Language, and Hearing Association (ASHA). Denver, CO.
- Sanchez, A. *, Ingram, M., Sánchez, D.***, and Marrone, N. (March 5-7, 2015) Effects of hearing loss on relationships in Mexican-American families. Poster presented at the American Auditory Society meeting, Scottsdale, AZ.
- Sánchez, D.***, Ingram, M., Harris, F.P., de Zapien, J., Adamovich, S.L., Sanchez, A.*, Colina, S., and Marrone, N. (March 5-7, 2015) Preparing community health workers to address hearing loss. Poster presented at the American Auditory Society meeting, Scottsdale, AZ.
- Sanchez, A. *, Ingram, M., Sánchez, D.***, and Marrone, N. (March 5-7, 2015) Hearing loss within families facing health disparities: Applying the ICF. Poster presented at the American Auditory Society meeting, Scottsdale, AZ.
- Smith, S.B.**** & Cone, B.K. (March, 2015) Inhibition of human CAPs and TEOAEs with contralateral acoustic stimulation. American Auditory Society meeting in Scottsdale, AZ.
- Willi, M.M.**** & Story, B.H. Multi-time Resolution Analysis of Integrated Acoustic Information in Reduced Speech.” 2015 IEEE Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding Workshop. Scottsdale, AZ. December 13-17, 2015.
- Willi, M.M**** & Story, B.H. “Acoustic Modeling of the Perception of Place Information in Incomplete Stops.” 169th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Pittsburg, PA. May 19, 2015.
- Willi, M.M.**** & Story, B.H. “Place and Manner Perception of Incomplete Stops.” 9th Annual Meeting of the Auditory Cognitive Neuroscience Society, Tucson, AZ. January 5, 2015
- Wilson, S.M., DeMarco, A.T.****, Henry, M.L., Gesierich, B., Babiak, M.**, Miller, B.L., & Gorno-Tempini M-L. (2015, October 18). Neural correlates of successful and unsuccessful syntactic processing in primary progressive aphasia. Platform talk presented at the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Aphasia, Tucson, AZ.
2014 Publications with Student Co-Authors
- Aguilar, J.M.**** & Plante, E. (2014). Learning of Grammar-Like Visual Sequences by Adults With and Without Language-Learning Disabilities. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 57, 1394-1404.
- Alt, M., Arizmendi, G.****, & Beal, C. (2014). The relationship between mathematics and language: Academic implications for children with specific language impairment and English Language Learners. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 45, 220-233. DOI: 10.1044/2014_LSHSS-13-0003
- Alt, M., Arizmendi, G.D.****, Beal, C.R., & Hurtado, J.S.* (2014) The effect of test translation on the performance of second grade English learners on the KeyMath-3. Psychology in the Schools, 50, 27-36. DOI:10.1002/pits.21656.
- Alt, M., Meyers, C.****, Oglivie, T.****, Nicholas, K., & Arizmendi, G.**** (2014). Cross-situational statistically-based word learning intervention for late-talking toddlers. Journal of Communication Disorders, 52, 207-220.
- Alt, M., Meyers, C.****, & Alt, P.M. (2014). Using ratings to gain insight into conceptual development. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research.
- Carbonell, K.M.****, Lester, R.A.****, Story, B.H., & Lotto, A.J. (2014). Discriminating Simulated Vocal Tremor Source Using Amplitude Modulation Spectra. Journal of Voice. 29 (2), 140-147.
- Carbonell, KM**** & Lotto, AJ (2014). Speech is not special…again. Front. Psychol. 5, 427.
- Lester, R.A.*** & Hoit, J.D. (2014). Nasal and oral inspiration during natural speech breathing. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 57(3), 734-742.
- Monson, B. B.****, Hunter, E. J., Lotto, A. J., and Story, B. H., (2014). The perceptual significance of high-frequency energy in the human voice, Frontiers in Psychology, section Auditory Cognitive Neuroscience, 5, Article 587.
- Monson, B. B.****, Lotto, A. J., and Story, B. H., (2014). Detection of high-frequency energy level changes in speech and singing, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 135(1), 400-406.
- Monson, B. B.****, Lotto, A. L., and Story, B. H., (2014). Gender and vocal production mode discrimination using the high frequencies for speech and singing. Frontiers in Psychology, section Auditory Cognitive Neuroscience, 5, Article 1239.
- Plante, E., Patterson, D., Dailey, N. S.****, Almyrde, K. R.*, & Fridriksson, J. (2014). Dynamic changes in network activations characterize early learning of a natural language. Neuropsychologia, 62, 77-86.
- Plante, E., Ogilvie, T.****, Vance, R., Aguilar, J. M.****, Dailey, N. S.****, Meyers, C.****, Lieser, A., & Burton, R.**, (2014). Variability in the language input to children enhances learning in a treatment context. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 23(4), 530-545
- Samlan, R.****, Story, B. H., Lotto, A., and Bunton, K., (2014). The acoustic and perceptual effects of left-right vocal fold asymmetries based on computational modeling, J. Spch., Lang., Hear. Res., 1-19, doi: 10.1044/2014\_JSLHR-S-12-0405.
- Welge, W.A., DeMarco, A.T.****, Wilson, J.M., Rice, P.S., Barton, J.K., & Kupinski, M.A. (2014). Diagnostic potential of multimodal imaging of ovarian tissue using optical coherence tomography and second-harmonic generation microscopy. Journal of Medical Imaging, 1(2), 025501.
- Wilson, S.M., DeMarco, A.T.****, Henry, M.L.****, Gesierich, B., Babiak, M.**, Mandelli, M.L., Miller, B.L., & Gorno-Tempini, M.L. (2014). What role does the anterior temporal lobe play in sentence-level processing? Neural correlates of syntactic processing in semantic variant primary progressive aphasia. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 26(5), 970-985.
2014 Presentations with Student Co-Authors
- Bunton, K., Lougher, A.**, Chong, C.** & Hoit, J. (November, 2014). Perception of nasality and velopharyngeal closure in infants. Paper presented at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Orlando, FL.
- Carbonell, K.M.**** “Individual Differences in Perceptual Flexibility Underlying Speech Perception: Dissertation Prospectus.” University of Arizona Speech, Language & Hearing Sciences Colloquium Series; Tucson, AZ; September 3, 2014.
- Carbonell, K.M.****, Lotto, A.J. “Individual Differences in the Adaptive Use of Auditory Information.” Annual meeting of the Psychonomics Society; Long Beach, CA; November 21, 2014.
- Carmen, N.**, & Alt, M. (2014, June). Comparing manual spelling practice to visual learning strategy in children with hearing loss. Poster presented at the Symposium on Research in Child Language Disorders, Madison, WI.
- Edwards, L.*, Alt., M, Gray, S., Hogan, T.P., Green, S.B., & Cowan, N. (2014, November). Parental ratings of attention and central executive performance of children with and without language impairment. Poster presented at Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students, San Antonio, TX.
- Hellmann, J.* and Marrone, N. (May 3-7, 2014) Effects of background noise on multitasking. Oral poster presentation at the XXXII World Congress of Audiology, Brisbane, Australia.
- Hellmann, J.* and Marrone, N. (May 3-7, 2014) A retrospective study of Living Well with Hearing Loss groups at The University of Arizona. Oral poster presentation at the XXXII World Congress of Audiology, Brisbane, Australia.
- Hellmann, J.*, Marrone, N., and Bos, D.* (March 6-8, 2014) Effects of multi-talker babble on dual-task performance. Poster presented at the American Auditory Society Meeting, Scottsdale, AZ.
- Lester, R. L.****, Story, B. H., and Lotto, A. J. (2014). Acoustical bases for the perception of simulated laryngeal vocal tremor. Presented at 168th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Indianapolis, IN, 4pSC, J. Acoust. Soc. Am.
- Maas, E., Alvarez, L., Mailend, M.-L.**** (2014). Fricative production in children with & without speech sound disorders. Paper presented at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention (Orlando, FL, November 2014).
- Maas, E., Bueno, F.*, Mailend, M.-L.****, & Guenther, F. H. (2014). Effects of feedback masking on fricative contrast in speakers with and without apraxia of speech. Paper presented at the 17th Biennial Conference on Motor Speech (Sarasota, FL, March 2014).
- Maas, E., Bueno, F.*, Mailend, M.-L.****, & Guenther, F. H. (2014). Feedback and feedforward control in apraxia of speech: Noise masking effects on fricative production. Paper presented at the 44th Clinical Aphasiology Conference (St. Simons, GA, May 2014).
- Mailend, M.-L.****, Maas. E., & Forster, K. I. (2014). Phonetic similarity effects in masked priming. Poster presented at the 8th International Workshop on Language Production (Geneva, Switzerland, July 2014).
- Mailend, M.-L.****, Maas. E., & Forster, K. I. (2014). Interference from phonetic similarity in masked priming. Paper presented at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention (Orlando, FL, November 2014).
- Marrone, N., Sánchez, D.***, Ingram, M., De Zapien, J., Harris, F., Colina, S., and Carvajal, S. (November 5-6, 2014) Development of a Community Health Worker Approach to Expand Access to Hearing Health Care, Invited presentation for the Gerontological Society of America, Washington, D.C.
- Marrone, N., Sánchez, D.***, Hellmann, J.*, Gonzalez-Fulcher, A.***, Harris, F.P., and Adamovich, S. (May 3-7, 2014) Community hearing health on the U.S.-Mexico Border. Oral presentation at the XXXII World Congress of Audiology, Brisbane, Australia.
- Meyers, C.****, Plante, E., Nicholas, K.**, Dailey, N.****, Aguilar, J.****, Arizmendi, G.****, Ogilvie, T.****, & Vance, R. (2014, June). Attention orienting or consolidation? Optimizing the use of an auditory stimulation phase for treatment of morpheme errors. Symposium on Research in Child Language Disorders, Madison, WI.
- Monson, B.B.****, Lotto, A.J., and Story, B.H., (2014). Speech spectral intensity discrimination at frequencies above 6 kHz. Presented at 168th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Indianapolis, IN, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 136, 2307.
- Neely, K.**, Story, B, & Bunton, K. (2014) What does the F2 trajectory tell us about speech production? The Arizona Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Tucson, AZ.
- Neely, K.**, Bunton, K. & Story, B. H. (April, 2014). Variation in formant trajectories as evidence for articulatory gesture overlap. Paper presented at the Arizona Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Tucson, AZ.
- Nicholas, K.**, Alt, M., Hauwiller, E.**, & Plante, E. (2014, June). Effect of variability on preposition learning by preschoolers with impaired and normal language. Poster presented at the Symposium on Research in Child Language Disorders, Madison, WI.
- Olson, S.*, Shehorn, J.****, Marrone, N., DeDe, G., and Alt, M. (2014). Auditory Working Memory Under Perceptual and Cognitive Load. Poster presented at the American Auditory Society Meeting, Scottsdale, AZ, March 6-8, 2014.
- Sanchez, A.*, Ingram, M., & Marrone, N. (August, 2014). Los Mas Cercanos al Afectado: Nogales Community Perspectives on the Effects of Hearing Loss on Family Members. Poster and podium presentation presented at the 2014 University of Arizona’s Undergraduate Research Opportunities Consortium’s annual research conference.
- Sanders, H.***, Smith S.B.****, Cone, B.K. (February, 2014) Are there ear and sex differences in auditory processing of signals in noise seen in AMLR? Association for Research in Otolaryngology Conference, San Diego, California.
- Smith, S.B.**** & Cone, B.K. (March, 2014) The efferent system’s role in the neural encoding of speech-in-noise. American Auditory Society, Scottsdale, AZ.
- Turner, J.**, & Bunton, K. (April, 2014). Effectiveness of assistive technology teams in classroom AAC implementation. Paper presented at the Arizona Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Tucson, AZ.
- Welge, W.A., DeMarco, A.T.****, Kupinski, M.A., Watson, J.M., Rice, P.S., & Barton, J.K. (February 17, 2014). Objective assessment of multimodality optical coherence tomography and second-harmonic generation image quality of ex vivo mouse ovaries using human observers. Presented at SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, CA.
- Wilson, M.**, Chong, C.**, Lougher, A.**, Bunton, K. & Hoit, J. (April, 2014). Velopharyngeal closure for words versus nonwords in toddlers. Paper presented at the Arizona Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Tucson, AZ.
2013 Publications with Student Co-Authors
- Alt, M., Arizmendi, G.D.****, Beal, C.R., & Hurtado, J.S.* (2013) The effect of test translation on the performance of second grade English learners on the KeyMath-3. Psychology in the Schools, 50, 27-36. DOI:10.1002/pits.21656.
- Alt, M., Meyers, C.****, & Alt, P.M. (accepted for publication). Using ratings to gain insight into conceptual development. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research.
- Alt, M., Meyers, C.****, & Martinez, C. **(accepted for publication). Factors that influence fast mapping in children exposed to Spanish and English. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research.
- Bennett, K.** and Hoit, J. (in press). Stress velopharyngeal incompetence (SVPI) in collegiate trombone players. Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Journal.
- Dailey, N. S.****, Plante, E., & Vance, R. (2013). Talker discrimination in preschool children with and without specific language impairment. Journal of Communication Disorders, 46(4), 330–7.
- Davidson, M. M.*, Ellis Weismer, S., Alt., M., & Hogan, T.P. (in press). Survey on perspectives of pursuing a Ph.D. in communicative sciences and disorders. Contemporary Issues in Communication Sciences and Disorders.
- Lester, R.A.***, & Hoit, J.D. Nasal and oral inspiration during natural speech breathing. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, published online 15 March 2013, doi: 10.1044/1092-4388(2013/13-0096).
- Lester, R.A.***, & Story, B.H. Modulation of voice related to simulated vocal fold length change with cricothyroid and thyroarytenoid muscle activation. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Advances in Quantitative Laryngology, Voice and Speech Research, 63-64.
- Lester, R.A.***, Barkmeier-Kraemer, J., & Story, B.H. (2013). Physiologic and acoustic patterns of essential vocal tremor. Journal of Voice, 27(4), 422-432.
- Lester, R.A.***, & Story, B.H. (2013). Acoustic characteristics of simulated respiratory-induced vocal tremor. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 22(2), 205-211.
- Marcus, L.*, Kiernan, B., and Julie M. Barkmeier-Kraemer, J.M. (in press). The association of a preschool voice education program with changes in yelling frequency. Seminars in Speech and Language.
- Monson, B.****, Lotto, A., & Story, B. (in press). Analysis of high-frequency energy in long-term average spectra (LTAS) of singing and speech. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America.
- Norrix, L., Burgan, B.*, Ramirez, N.*, & Velenovsky, D. (in press). Interaural multiple frequency tympanometry measures: Clinical utility for unilateral conductive hearing loss. Journal of the American Academy of Audiology.
- Plante, E., Vance, R., Moody, A.**, & Gerken, LA. (in press). What is the basis of children’s generalizations? Journal of Speech, Language, & Hearing Research.
- Samlan, R.****, Story, B., & Bunton, K. (in press). Relation of perceived breathiness to laryngeal kinematics and acoustic measures based on computational modeling.Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research.
- Torkildsen, J.*****, Dailey, N.****, Aguilar, J.M.****, Gómez, R., & Plante, E. (in press). Exemplar variability facilitates rapid learning of an otherwise unlearnable grammar by individuals with language impairment. Journal of Speech, Language, & Hearing Research.
- Wilson SM, Rising K, Stib, M.T.*, Rapcsak SZ, Beeson PM. (in press). Dysfunctional visual word form processing in two cases of progressive alexia. Brain.
2013 Presentations with Student Co-Authors
- Bonakdarpour, B., Rapcsak, S. Z., DeMarco, A. T. ****, Beeson, P. M, Wilson, S. M. (2013, March). Hemodynamic response function variability in patients with aphasia. Poster presentation at the 65th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Neurology, San Diego, CA.
- Durkin, MR.***, Harris, F.P., Marrone, N., Norrix, L. (2013, April). Developing a client-centered outcome measure for group audiologic rehabilitation programs. Student Research Forum. Podium presentation at the American Academy of Audiology, Anaheim, CA.
- Durkin, MR.***, Iversen, L.***, Miller, G.***, Marrone, N., Harris, F.P. (2013, April). From mission impossible to possible: guiding your patients towards living WELL with hearing loss. Student Educational Session. American Academy of Audiology, Anaheim, CA.
- Rapcsak, S. Z., DeMarco, A. T. ****, Wilson, S. M., Beeson, P. M. (2013, March). Phonological alexia/agraphia reflects damage to the dorsal language pathway: Evidence from multimodal imaging [Platform presentation]. 65th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Neurology, San Diego, CA.
- Williams, C.**, Chong, C. **, Wilson, M. **, Bunton, K., Hoit, J. (2013, April). Development of velopharyngeal closure across sound classes. Paper presented at the 2013 Arizona Speech, Language, and Hearing Association Conference, Phoenix, AZ.
- Williams, C.**, Wilson, M.**, Chong, C.**, Bunton, K., and Hoit, J., (2013, April). Development of velopharyngeal closure across sound classes. Paper submitted to the 2013 Arizona Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention.
2012 Publications with Student Co-Authors
- Alt, M., Meyers, C.****, & Ancharski, A.* (2012). Using principles of learning to inform language therapy design for children with specific language impairment. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders, 47, 487-498.
- Alt, M. & Moreno, M.H.** (2012). The effect of test presentation on children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and neurotypical peers. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 43, 121-131.
- Alt, M. & Suddarth, R.**** (2012). Learning novel words: Detail and vulnerability of initial representations for children with specific language impairment and typically-developing peers. Journal of Communication Disorders, 45, 84-97. PMCID: PMC3288194 [Available on 2013/3/1]
- Christensen, T.A. Almryde, K., Fidler, L.J.****, Lockwood, J.L. Antonucci, S.M.**** & Plante, E. (2012). Modulating the focus of attention for spoken words at encoding affects fronto-parietal activation for incidental verbal memory. International Journal of Biomedical Imaging, 579786.
- Henry, M.****, Beeson, P.M., Alexander, G. & Rapcsak, S.Z. (2012). Written language impairments in primary progressive aphasia: A reflection of damage to central semantic and phonological processes. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 24 (2), 261-275.
- Lederle, A.****, Barkmeier-Kraemer, J., & Finnegan, E. (2012). Perception of vocal tremor during sustained phonation compared to sentence context. Journal of Voice, 26(5):668.e1-9.
- Lederle, A.****, Hoit, J., & Barkmeier-Kraemer, J. (2012). Effects of swallowing on drive to breathe in young, healthy adults. Dysphagia, 27, 221-227.
- Lederle, A.****, Hoit, J., & Barkmeier-Kraemer, J.M. (2012). Effects of sequential swallowing tasks on ventilation and perception of dyspnea. Dysphagia. 27:221-227.
- Lester, R.L.****, & Story, B.H., (2012). Acoustic characteristics of respiratory-induced vocal tremor, American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, Published 26 November 2012, doi: 10.1044/1058-0360(2012/12-0043)
- Maas E, Butalla, C.E.**, & Farinella, K.A. (2012). Feedback frequency in treatment for childhood apraxia of speech. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 21, 239-257.
- Maas E. & Farinella K. A.**** (2012). Random versus blocked practice in treatment for childhood apraxia of speech. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 55, 561-578.
- Maas E, & Mailend M-L. ****(2012). Speech planning happens before speech execution: Contributions of on-line reaction time methods in the study of apraxia of speech. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 55, S1523-S1534.
- Monson, B.B.****, Hunter, E., & Story, B.H., (2012). Horizontal directivity of low- and high-frequency energy in speech and singing, Journal of Acoustical Society of American, 132(1), 433-441.
- Monson, B.B.****, Lotto, A., & Story, B.H., (2012). Analysis of high-frequency energy in long-term average spectra of singing, speech and voiceless fricatives, Journal of the Acoustical Society America, 132(3), 1754-1764.
- Norrix, L., Trepanier, S.****, Atlas, M., & Kim, D.*** (2012). The auditory brainstem response: latencies obtained in children while under general anesthesia. Journal of the American Academy of Audiology, 23, 57-63.
- Spaudling, T.J., Szulga, M.S., & Figueroa, C. ** (2012). Using norm-referenced tests to determine severity of language impairment in children: Disconnect between U.S. policy makers and test developers. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 43, 176-190.
- Suddarth, R.****, Plante, E., & Vance, R. (2012). Written Narrative Characteristics in Adults with Language Impairment. Journal of Speech, Language, & Hearing Research, 55, 409-240.
2012 Presentations with Student Co-Authors
- Aguilar, J.****, Dailey, N.S.****, & Plante, E. (2012, June). Learning of grammar-like visual sequences in adults with and without language learning disabilities. Symposium on Research in Child Language Disorders, Madison, WI.
- Alt, M., & Arizmendi, G. **** (2012, June). The math skills of children with specific language impairment: Insight into the disorder.Talk presented at: Symposium for Research in Child Language Disorders, Madison, WI.
- Beeson, P.M., Rising K., Howard T.**, Northrop E.*, Wilheim R.**, Wilson S., & Rapcsak S.Z. (2012, October). The nature and treatment of phonological text agraphia. Platform presentation at the 50th Annual meeting of the Academy of Aphasia, San Francisco, CA.
- Bunton, K., Hoit, J. & Gallagher, K.**** (2012). Development of velopharyngeal closure in young children: Preliminary observations. Poster presented at the 16th Biennial Conference on Motor Speech Disorders: Motor Speech Disorders and Speech Motor Control Santa Rosa, CA.
- 5. Bunton, K., Williams, C.**, and Hoit, J. (2012, November). The influence of emerging sounds on velopharyngeal closure in toddlers. Paper presented at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Convention, Atlanta, GA.
- Carbonell, K.M.****, Andrews, J.***, Bunton, K. & Lotto, A.J. (2012, January). A test of intelligibility: Consonant identification using noise-vocoded speech. 6th Meeting of the Auditory Cognitive Neuroscience Society, Tucson, AZ.
- Carbonell, K.M.****, Andrews, J.***, Bunton, K. & Lotto, A.J. (2012, March). Intelligibility of noise-vocoded speech. 2012 Meeting of the American Auditory Society, Scottsdale, AZ.
- Carbonell, K.M.****, Brenner, D., & Lotto, A.J. (2012, October). Discriminating languages with general measures of temporal regularity and spectral variance. 164th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America; Kansas City, MO.
- Carbonell, K.M.**** & Lotto, A.J. (2012, November). Rich linguistic information in amplitude envelopes: clues to understanding the success of CIs. 3rd annual meeting of Cochlear Implant and Hearing Research group (CRASH); Madison, WI.
- Carbonell, K.M. ****, Story, B.H., Lester, R. ****, and Lotto, A.J. (2012, October). Discriminating vocal tremor source from amplitude envelope modulations. Presented at the 164th Acoustical Society Meeting, Kansas City, MO. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 132(3), 2090).
- Chuang, F-Y. ***, Pearl C.*, Benjamin, M.*, Burgan, B.*, and Dai, H. (2012, March). Spectral integration of normal-hearing listeners in intensity discrimination. American Auditory Society, Phoenix, AZ.
- Crouse-Matlock, S.** & Fabiano-Smith, (2012, November). Phonetic and phonotactic inventory elicitation in bilingual preschoolers. Poster Presentation at the annual convention of the American Speech, Language, and Hearing Association (ASHA), Atlanta, GA.
- Dai, H., Chuang, F-Y. ***, and Lotto, A.J. (2012). Estimating listeners’ internal noise from intensity and spectral-shape discrimination tasks. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America,131 (4), p. 3516.
- DeMarco, A.T.****, Rising K., Rapcsak S., Wilson S.M., & Beeson P.M. (2012, October). Neural support for phonological rehabilitation. Platform presentation at the 50th Annual meeting of the Academy of Aphasia, San Francisco, CA.
- Durkin, M.R. ***, Marrone, N., Harris, F.P., Norrix, L. (2012, September). Development of an outcome measure based on self-identified goals to assess change of knowledge, skills, or behaviors following a 3-week audiologic rehabilitation group program for adults. Academy of Rehabilitative Audiology, Providence Rhode Island (Submitted poster).
- Faux, C., Gallagher, K.****, and Hoit, J. (2012, April). Are we improving PALS quality of life? Paper presented at the Arizona Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Phoenix, AZ.
- Fulcher, A. ***, Durkin, M.R. ***, Harris, F.P., Marrone, N. (2012, September). A community hearing health care program for Hispanic seniors. Academy of Rehabilitative Audiology, Providence Rhode Island (Submitted poster).
- Gallagher, K.****, Hoit, J., and Bunton, K. (2012, March). Comparing velopharyngeal function in children with and without speech sound disorders. Conference on Motor Speech, Santa Rosa, CA.
- Harris, F.P., Marrone, N., Durkin, M.R. ***, Iversen, L. ***, Miller, G. *** (2012, September). Living WELL with hearing loss program at the University of Arizona: Updates and future directions. Academy of Rehabilitative Audiology, Providence Rhode Island (Submitted poster).
- Kittleson, M.****, Diehl, R.L., & Lotto, A.J. (2012, October). Optimal categorization of sounds varying on a single dimensions. 164th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Kansas City, MO.
- Kittleson, M.M.****, Schertz, J., Diehl, R. & Lotto, A.J. (2012, November). Distributional learning in categorization of speech and non-speech sounds. Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Minneapolis, MN.
- Knilans, J.** & DeDe, G. (2012). Integration of lexical and structural information during sentence processing. Poster presented at ASHA Convention.
- Lester, R.****, and Hoit, J. (2012, April). Oral vs. nasal breathing during natural speech production. Poster presented at the Arizona Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Phoenix, AZ.
- Lester, R.L. ****, and Story, B.H. (2012, March). Acoustic characteristics of respiratory-induced vocal tremor. Presented at the 2012 Conference on Motor Speech, Santa Rosa, CA.
- Lotto, A.J., Monson, B.****, & A.D. Vitela**** (2012, January). Exploring the acoustic forbidden zone: The mythical entities above 5.6 kHz. 6th Meeting of the Auditory Cognitive Neuroscience Society, Tucson, AZ.
- Maas, E., Mailend, M.-L.****, & Guenther, F. H. (2012, March). The role of auditory feedback during speech production in apraxia of speech. Paper presented at the 16th Biennial Conference on Motor Speech, Santa Rosa, CA.
- Maas, E., Mailend, M.-L.****, & Swanson, L. T.* (2012, March). Anticipatory coarticulation in typically developing children and in children with speech disorders. Poster presented at the 16th Biennial Conference on Motor Speech, Santa Rosa, CA.
- Maas, E., Tellez, A.-A.*, & Mailend, M.-L.**** (2012, June). Phonological planning in children with and without speech sound disorders. Poster presented at the Symposium on Research in Child Language Disorders, Madison, WI.
- Mailend, M.-L.****, & Maas, E. (2012, May). Apraxia of speech: Impaired access to motor programs or impaired motor programs? Poster presented at the 42nd Clinical Aphasiology Conference, Lake Tahoe, CA. (NIDCD Research Symposium in Clinical Aphasiology Student Fellowship awarded to first author)
- Mailend, M.-L.****, & Maas, E. (2012, July). Speech motor planning in the face of distraction: Evidence from apraxia of speech. Poster presented at the 7th International Workshop on Language Production, New York, NY.
- Marrone, N., Davis, M., Harris, F.P., Durkin, M.R. ***, and Iversen, L. *** (2012, November). Consensus and discrepancy within self/partner ratings in group audiologic rehabilitation. American Speech, Language, and Hearing Association Annual Convention, Atlanta, GA (technical session, accepted).
- Marrone, N., Harris, F.P., Durkin, M.R. ***, Iversen, L. ***(2012, September). Group outcomes of the living WELL with hearing loss program at the University of Arizona. Presentation at the Academy of Rehabilitative Audiology, Providence Rhode Island.
- Monson, B.B. ****, Story, B.H., and Lotto, A.J. (2012, May). Analysis of high-frequency energy in singing and speech. Presented at the Acoustics 2012 Hong Kong meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, 131(4), pt. 2, 3378.
- Moody, A. **, Wikert, S. **, Dawson, C.**, & Bunton, K. (2012, April). Velopharyngeal function during laughs and raspberries in infants. Poster presented at the 2012 Arizona Speech, Language, and Hearing Association Conference, Phoenix, AZ.
- Oglivie, T.****, Berry, C.*, & Alt, M. (2012, June). Visual cues can support children with specific language impairment. Poster presented at: Symposium for Research in Child Language Disorders, Madison, WI.
- Plante, E., Aguilar, J.****, Dailey, N.****, Oglivie, T.****, Almryde, K.*, & Vance, R. (2012, June). Lexical variability to children with SLI affects learning of grammatical forms in a therapy context. Symposium on Research in Child Language Disorders, Madison, WI.
- Redden, K.**, & Fabiano-Smith, L. (2012, November). Using percent consonants correct (PCC) as a diagnostic measure for Spanish-speaking children. Poster presented at the annual convention of the American Speech, Language, and Hearing Association (ASHA), Atlanta, GA.
- Reed, B.***, Dai, H., and Smith, S. **** (2012, March). Measuring dominance region for harmonic pitch while minimizing analytic listening. American Auditory Society, Phoenix, AZ.
- Shehorn, J. ****, Berry, J. *, and Dai, H. (2012, March). Melodic dictation upon SAM noise. American Auditory Society, Phoenix, AZ.
- Vitela, A.D.****, Carbonell, K.M.****, & Lotto, A.J. (2012, November). Predicting the effects of carrier phrases in speech perception. Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Minneapolis, MN.
- Vitela, A.D. ****, Lotto, A.J., and Story, B.H. (2012, October). Talker normalization” effects elicited with no change in talker. Presented at the 164th Acoustical Society Meeting, Kansas City, MO. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 132(3), 1967).
- Vitela, A.D.****, Monson, B.B.****, & Lotto, A.J. (2012, March). Perception of phonetic information from energy above 5 kHz. 2012 Meeting of the American Auditory Society, Scottsdale, AZ.
- Wilson, S. M., Rising, K., Stib, M. T.*, Rapcsak, S. Z., Beeson, P. M. (2012, May 18). Dysfunctional visual word form area in two cases of progressive alexia. The 2012 Arizona Alzheimer’s Consortium Scientific Conference; Phoenix, AZ.
2011 Publications with Student Co-Authors
- Beeson, P.M., King, R.M., Bonakdarpour, B., Henry, M.L.****, Cho, H.****, & Rapcsak, S.Z. (2011). Positive effects of language treatment for the logopenic variant of primary progressive aphasia. Journal of Molecular Neuroscience, 45, 724–736.
- Bunton, K., Hoit, J., & Gallagher, K.** (2011). A simple technique for determining velopharyngeal status during speech production. Seminars in Speech and Language, 32, 69-79.
- Hoit, J., Lansing, R., Dean, K., Yarkosky, M., and Lederle, A. (2011). Nature and evaluation of dyspnea in speaking and swallowing. Seminars in Speech and Language, 32, 5-20.
- Fidler, L.J.****, Plante, E., & Vance, R. (2011). Identification of Adults with Developmental Language Impairments. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 20, 2-13. (PMID: 20739630)
- Garinis, A.****, Glattke, T and Cone, B (2011) The MOC reflex during active listening to speech. Journal of Speech Language and Hearing Research 54, 1464-1476.
- Kim, E.S.*****, Rapcsak, S.Z., Andersen, S.M., & Beeson, P.M. (2011). Multimodal alexia: Neuropsychological mechanisms and implications for treatment. Neuropsychologia, 49(13), 3551-3562.
- Monson, B.****, Lotto, A., & Ternström, S. (2011). Detection of high-energy changes in sustained vowels produced by singers, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 129, 2263-2268.
- Plante, E., Bahl, M.****, Vance, R., & Gerken, LA. (2011). Beyond Phonotactic frequency: Presentation Frequency Effects on Word Productions in Specific Language Impairment. Journal of Communication Disorders, 44,91-102. (PMC3010444)
- Samlan, R., and Story, B.H., (2011). Relation of structural and vibratory kinematics of the vocal folds to two acoustic measures of breathy voice based on computational modeling, Journal of the Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 54, 1267-1283.
2011 Presentations with Student Co-Authors
- Aguilar, J.****, Almryde, K.*, Dailey, N.S.****, Vance, R., Plante, E. (2011, June). Effects of auditory-only training on morphological errors in SLI. Symposium on Research in Child Language Disorders, Madison, WI.
- Aguilar, J.****, Dailey, N.S.****, von Koss Torkildsen, J.*****, Plante, E. (2011, June). Language learning in adults with and without developmental language disorders. Symposium on Research in Child Language Disorders, Madison, WI.
- Alt, M., Fabiano-Smith, L., & Oglivie, T.****, (2011, November). Systematic morphophonemic crosslinguistic influence in the language of bilingual Spanish-English speaking children. Poster presented at: American Speech Language Hearing Sciences Association Conference, San Diego, CA.
- Arizmendi, G.****, Hurtado, S.*, & Alt, M. (2011, June). Test translation: The effect on test scores for English language learners. Poster presented at: Symposium for Research in Child Language Disorders, Madison, WI.
- Bunton, K. & Samlan, R. **** (2011, April). Speech sound production and resonance disorders in children with cleft palate: assessment and intervention. Arizona Speech-Language Hearing Association Convention, Tempe, AZ.
- Butalla, C.E.**, Farinella, K.A., & Maas, E. (2011, April). Feedback frequency effects in treatment for childhood apraxia of speech. Poster presented at the 51st Annual Convention of the Arizona Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Phoenix, AZ.
- Carbonell, K.M.****, Lansford, K., Utianski, R., Liss, J.M., & Lotto, A.J. (2011, November 4). Discriminating language and talker using non-linguistic measures of rhythm, spectral energy and f0. 162nd Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America; San Diego, CA.
- Carbonell, K.M.****, & Lotto, A.J. (2011, January). All by myself, don’t wanna be all by myself anymore… /ga/. 5th Meeting of the Auditory Cognitive Neuroscience Society, Tucson, AZ.
- Carbonell, K.M.****, Sullivan, S.C., Lansford, K., Utianski, R., Liss, J.M., & Lotto, A.J. (2011, May). Stable production rhythms across languages for bilingual speakers. 161st Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Seattle, WA.
- Christensen, T., Almryde, K.*, Lockwood, J.*, & Plante, E. (2011, June). Medial prefrontal specialization for conflict processing revealed by a novel auditory Stroop task. Poster presentation at the 17th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Quebec City, Canada.
- Cone, B., Baker, K.***, and Liu, J.*** (2011, April). Electrophysiology of infant speech feature detection and discrimination. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 129(4), Pt. 2. 161st Meeting: Acoustical Society of America, 2414. Acoustical Society of America 161st Meeting, Seatte, WA.
- Cone, B., & Duran, D.*** (2011). Sensitivity and validity of the ACC for speech-modeled frequency transitions. Abstracts of the Assoc. Res. Otolaryngol, Mid-Winter Meeting, # 280. Association for Research in Otolaryngology Mid-Winter Meeting
- Dailey, N.S.****, Vance, R., & Plante, E. (2011, June). Discrimination between multiple talkers in preschool children with specific language impairment. Symposium on Research in Child Language Disorders, Madison, WI.
- Fabiano-Smith, L, Bayley, C.**, Famoyegun, A.**, Gullett, V.**, & Oglivie, T.**** (2011, November). Which come first, stops or spirants? A quasi-longitudinal study. Poster presentation at the annual convention of the American Speech, Language, and Hearing Association (ASHA), San Diego, CA.
- Faux, C., Harris, F.P., Hope, K. ***, & Moore, V.** (2011, November). CHASE: Improving the lives of young adults with hearing loss. Poster presentation at the American Speech, Language, and Hearing Association, Annual Convention, San Diego, CA.
- Gutiérrez, K.*, Maas, E., & Ballard, K.J. (2011, May-June). Phonological priming in apraxia of speech and aphasia. Poster presented at the 41st Clinical Aphasiology Conference, Ft. Lauderdale, FL. (NIDCD Research Symposium in Clinical Aphasiology Student Fellowship awarded to first author).
- Harris, F.P., Durkin, M.R. ***, Tennyson, B. ***, Fulcher, A. ***, & Huart, S. (2011, November). A community-based approach for managing hearing loss in older adults. American Speech, Language, and Hearing Association, Annual Convention, San Diego, CA. (Submitted: poster)
- Harris, F.P., Muller, T., Durkin, M.R. ***, Marin, A. ***, Barakat, F. *** (2011, November). Implementing a living-well-with-hearing-loss approach in clinical practice with adults. Technical presentation at the American Speech, Language, and Hearing Association, Annual Convention, San Diego, CA.
- Hoit, J., and Nickerson, L.** (2011, April). Speaking and swallowing with noninvasive positive-pressure ventilation. Paper presented at the Arizona Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Phoenix, AZ.
- Lopez, A.A.*, & Maas, E. (2011, April). Vowel errors and their treatment in childhood apraxia of speech. Poster presented at the 51st Annual Convention of the Arizona Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Phoenix, AZ.
- Maas, E., Mailend, M.-L.****, & Guenther, F.H. (2011, June). The role of auditory feedback in apraxia of speech (AOS): Effects of feedback masking on vowel contrast. Paper presented at the 6th International Conference on Speech Motor Control, Groningen, The Netherlands.
- Meyers, C.****, Martinez, C.**, & Alt, M. (2011, June). Response time in bilingual children: Evidence of more efficient word processing? Poster presented at: Symposium for Research in Child Language Disorders, Madison, WI.
- Monson, B.B. ****, Lotto, A.J., and Story, B.H. (2011, May). Perception of high-frequency energy in singing and speech. Presented at the 161st Acoustical Society Meeting, Seattle, WA.
- Monson, B.B. ****, Vitela, A.D.****, Story, B.H., and Lotto, A.J. (2011). Perceptually relevant information in energy above 5 kHz for speech and singing. Presented at the 162nd Acoustical Society Meeting, San Diego, CA.
- Nickerson, L.A.** & Barkmeier-Kraemer, J.M. (2011, April). Current perspectives on the use of neuromuscular electrical stimulation for treatment of individuals with dysphagia. Presentated at the Arizona Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Conference, Tempe, AZ.
- Sullivan, S.C., Tanji, J.A.***, Lotto, A.J., & Diehl, R.L. (2011, November 3). Sensitivity to changing characteristics of Gaussian-shaped stimulus distributions in auditory categorization. 162nd Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, San Diego, CA.
- Tellez, A.*, & Maas, E. (2011, April). Phonological representations in speech planning in children with speech disorders. Poster presented at the 51st Annual Convention of the Arizona Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Phoenix, AZ.
- Vitela, A.D.****, & Lotto, A.J. (2011, November). Investigating the roles of vocal tract size and phoneme content in context effects. 162nd Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, San Diego, CA.
- Vitela, A.D.****, & Lotto, A.J. (2011, May 27). Variables influencing the size of carrier-phrase dependent effects on speech perception. 161st Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Seattle, WA.
- Vitela, A.D.****, Story, B.H., & Lotto, A.J. (2011, January). Extraordinary capabilities of the average spectrum. 5thMeeting of the Auditory Cognitive Neuroscience Society, Tucson, AZ.
- Wilson S.M., Beeson PM, Rising K, Andersen SM, Stib M.*, Gendreau A.*, Rapcsak SZ. Dysfunctional visual word form area in a case of progressive alexia [Poster]. (2011, November). 3rd Annual Neurobiology of Language Conference, Annapolis, MD.
2010 Publications with Student Co-Authors
- Beeson, P.M., Rising, K., Kim, E.***** & Rapcsak, S.Z. (2010). A treatment sequence for phonological alexia/agraphia. Journal of Speech, Language, Hearing Research 53, 450-468.
- Christensen, T.A., Lockwood, J.L.*, Almryde, K.R., & Plante, E. (2010). Neural substrates of attentive listening assessed with a novel auditory Stroop task. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 4, 236.
- Hogan, T.P., Bridges, M.S., Wymer, C., & Volk, R.** (2010). Tessa: A preschool child with a specific language impairment. In S. Chabon & E. Cohn (Eds.), The communication disorders casebook: Learning by example (pp. 142-156). Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.
- Kittleson, M.**, Aguilar, J.M.,**** Tokerud, G.L., Plante, E., & Asbjørnsen, A.E. (2010). Implicit Language Learning: Adult’s ability to segment words in Norwegian. Bilingualism, Language, & Cognition, 13 513-523. (PMCID: PMC3079201)
- Liss, J.M., LeGendre, S.****, & Lotto, A.J. (2010). Discriminating dysarthria type from envelope modulation spectra. Journal of Speech, Language & Hearing Research, 53, 1246-1255.
- Plante, E., Bahl, M.****, & Gerken, LA. (2010). Children with specific language impairment show rapid, implicit learning of stress assignment rules. Journal of Communication Disorders, 43, 397-406.
- Samlan, R.****, Webster, K., Jones, B., Bunton, K., & Tufano, R. (2010). Supracricoid partial laryngectomy: Swallowing, voice, and speech outcomes. Laryyngoscope, 119,10-16.
- Samlan, R.A.**** & Barkmeier-Kraemer, J. Voice Evaluation. (2010) In: Cummings’ Otolaryngology: Head and Neck Surgery, 5th Edition. St. Louis: Elsevier.
2010 Presentations with Student Co-Authors
- Almryde, K.*, Plante, E., Christensen, T. (2010, June). Varying the focus of attention at encoding affects recognition memory networks for spoken words. Human Brain Mapping, Barcelona, Spain.
- Alt, M. & Meyers, C.****, (2010, June). Developmental differences in prototype ratings: Insights into semantic development? Poster presented at: Symposium for Research in Child Language Disorders, Madison, WI.
- Alt, M. & Singh, S.** (2010, November). Flash Animation: A technological tool for research and clinical practice. Talk presented at American Speech Language Hearing Association Convention, Philadelphia, PA.
- Beeson, P.M., Rising, K., Henry, M.L. ****, Kim, E.S. *****, & O’Bryan, E. ** (2010, May). A framework for treatment planning in aphasia. Poster presentation at the 2010 Annual Clinical Aphasiology Conference, Isle of Palms, South Carolina.
- Bunton, K., Hoit, J., and Gallagher, K.**** (2010, November). A noninvasive technique for determining velopharyngeal status during speaking. Paper presented at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Philadelphia, PA.
- Carbonell, K.M.****, Aravamudhan, R, & Lotto, A.J. (2010, November). Presence of preceding sound affects the neural representation of speech sounds: Behavioral data. 160th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Cancun, MX.
- Cho, H. ****, Rapcsak, S.Z., & Beeson, P.M. (2010). Neural substrates of orthographic processing: Are they specific to written language? Poster presented at Clinical Aphasiology Conference, South Carolina.
- Cone, B and Whitaker, R.*** (2010). Cortical electrophysiology of Infant hearing for tones and speech sounds.Association for Research in Otolaryngology, Midwinter Meeting
- Cone, B and Kim, D.*** (2010, March). Electrophysiology of categorical perception for formant transition duration. American Auditory Society, Scottsdale, AZ
- Dai, H., Gaudiano, P.*, & Mock, E.* (2010, March). Spectral weights for the pitch of harmonic complex tones with missing fundamental. Presented at the annual convention of the American Auditory Society, Phoenix, AZ.
- Fidler, L.****, Dailey, N.****, Almryde, K.*, & Plante, E. (2010, June). Using independent component analysis to detect cortical changes during implicit language learning. Human Brain Mapping, Barcelona, Spain.
- Harris, F.P. & Marin, A. *** (2010, September). Innovative programs for audiologic rehabilitation for adults at the University of Arizona. Academy of Rehabilitative Audiology. San Francisco, CA.
- Humphrey Moreno, M.**, & Alt, M. (2010, April). Effect of test presentation for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Poster presented at: Arizona Speech Language Hearing Association, Scottsdale, AZ.
- Kim, E. *****, Beeson, P., Andersen, S., & Rapcsak, S. (2010, June). Kinesthetic treatment for letter naming impairment in acquired alexia: Lessons from a treatment failure. Poster presentation at the 2010 International Aphasia Rehabilitation Conference, Montreal, Quebec.
- Kim, E. *****, Rising, K., Rapcsak, S. & Beeson, P. (2010, May). MOR Evidence for the therapeutic value of multiple oral re-reading. Poster presentation at the 2010 Annual Clinical Aphasiology Conference, Isle of Palms, South Carolina.
- Matthews, M.*, Ellis-Weismer, S., Alt, M., & Hogan, T. (2010, November). Survey on perspectives of pursuing a PhD in communicative disorders. Poster presented at: American Speech Language Hearing Association Convention, Philadelphia, PA.
- Rapcsak, S.Z., Kim, E.S. *****, Cho, H. ****, Andersen, S.M., Henry, M.L. ****, & Beeson, P.M. (2010, April). Shared neural substrates of reading and spelling in left fusiform gyrus: Converging evidence from lesion-deficit and functional imaging studies. Platform presentation at the American Academy of Neurology, Honolulu, HA.
- Samlan, R.A., ****, Story, B.H., and Bunton, K., (2010). Physiologic, acoustic, and aerodynamic characteristics of breathy voice. International Conference on Vocal Fold Physiology and Biomechanics, Madison, WI.
- Sullivan, S.C., Kittleson, M.M.**, Lotto, A.J., & Diehl, R.L. (2010, November). Sensitivity to characteristics of Gaussian-shaped stimulus distributions in auditory categorization. 160th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Cancun, Mexico.
- Vitela, A.D.****, Lotto, A.J., & Story, B.H. (2010, January). Mini giants and other monstrosities of vocal tract averaging. 4th Meeting of the Auditory Cognitive Neuroscience Society, Tucson, AZ.
- Vitela, A.D.****, Story, B.H., & Lotto, A.J. (2010, November). Predicting the effect of talker differences on perceived vowel category. 160th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Cancun, Mexico.
- Whitaker, R.N.***, Kiley, R.J.***, Wong, A.A.***, Vitela, A.D.****, & Lotto, A.J. (2010, January). To pea or not to pea: Effects of stimulus range on speech cue weighting (or lack thereof). 4th Meeting of the Auditory Cognitive Neuroscience Society, Tucson, AZ.
2009 Publications with Student Co-Authors
- Alt, M. & Guttmann, M.**** (2009). Fast mapping semantic features: performance of adults with normal language, history of disorders of spoken and written language, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder on a word learning task. Journal of Communication Disorders, 42, 347-364. PMCID: PMC2771630
- Bahl, M.****, Plante, E., & Gerken, LA. (2009). Processing prosodic structure by adults with language-based learning disability. Journal of Communication Disorders, 42, 313-323. (PMC2856440)
- Cone, B. & Garinis, A.**** (2009) Infant ASSR and speech feature discrimination. Journal of the American Academy of Audiology, 20 (10), 629-643.
- Greenslade, K.J.**, Plante, E., & Vance, R. (2009). The Diagnostic Accuracy and Construct Validity of the Structured Photographic Expressive Language Test – Preschool: Second Edition (SPELT-P2) Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 40, 150-160. (PMC2720527)
- Rapcsak, S.Z., Beeson, P.M., Henry, M.L.****, Leyden, A.**, Kim, E.*****, Rising, K., Andersen, S. Cho, H. (2009). Phonological dyslexia and dysgraphia: cognitive mechanisms and neural substrates. Cortex, 45, 575-591.
2009 Presentations with Student Co-Authors
- Almryde, K.*, Fidler, L.****, Winchester, K.*, Plante, E. & Christensen, T. (2009, May). Neural substrates for retrieval of attended and unattended words encoded during attentive listening. Poster presentation at the Arizona Alzheimer’s Disease Consortium Annual Meeting, Tempe, AZ.
- Almryde, K.*, Fidler, L.****, Winchester, K.*, Plante, E. & Christensen, T. (2009, June). Neural substrates for retrieval of attended and unattended words encoded during attentive listening. Poster presentation at the 15th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, San Francisco, CA.
- Barkmeier-Kraemer, J. & Carey, J.** (2009, October). Interdisciplinary Assessment and Management of Feeding, Swallowing, and Nutrition in Pediatric Populations: The whys and hows of this clinical model. Presented at the annual University of Arizona Grunewald Blitz Conference: Pediatric Interdisciplinary Feeding, Swallowing and Nutrition Team, Tucson, AZ.
- Bunton, K., Hoit, J., Gallagher, K.****, and Van Vianen, A.** (2009, November). Development of velopharyngeal closure during oral sound production in infants. Paper presented at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, New Orleans, LA.
- Caviness, J.N., Lotto, A.J., Liss, J.M., Lansford, K., Spitzer, S., & Kittelson, M.** (2009, January). Developing a neurocognitive model of spoken language perception using high density EEG: First step. Third Annual Meeting of the Auditory Cognitive Neuroscience Society, Tucson, AZ.
- Dalcolma, L.** & Alt, M. (2009). Parent communication behavior analysis: A new clinical tool. Talk presented at American Speech Language Hearing Association (ASHA), New Orleans, LA.
- Dean, K.**, Hoit, J., Lederle, A.****, Lansing, R., and Parrott, J.** (2009, May). Dyspnea during eating and drinking: A possible contributor to dysphagia. Paper presented at the 2nd International Dyspnea Symposium, La Jolla, CA.
- Fidler, L.****, Almryde, K.*, Plante, E., & Christensen, T. (2009, May). Functional connectivity analysis reveals cortical to cortical interactions during auditory recall. Poster presentation at the Arizona Alzheimer’s Disease Consortium Annual Meeting, Tempe, AZ.
- Fidler, L.****, Almryde, K.*, Plante, E., & Christensen, T. (2009, June). Functional connectivity analysis reveals cortical to cortical interactions during auditory recall. Poster presentation at the 15th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, San Francisco, CA.
- Fidler, L.J.****, Plante, E. Vance, R., & Leonard, B.** (2009, June). Use of a sentence generation task to accurately identify language impaired adults for clinical and research purposes. Symposium on Research in Child Language Disorders, Madison, WI.
- LeGendre, S.J.****, Liss, J.M., & Lotto, A.J. (2009, May). Discriminating dysarthria type and predicting intelligibility from amplitude modulation spectra. 157th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Portland, OR.
- Lederle, A.****, Hoit, J., and Barkmeier-Kraemer, J. (2009, November). Effects of sequential drinking tasks on breathing and dyspnea. Paper presented at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, New Orleans, LA.
- LeGendre, S.****, Liss, J.M., & Lotto, A.J. (2009, January). The envelope modulation spectrum and its application in rhythm studies. Third Annual Meeting of the Auditory Cognitive Neuroscience Society, Tucson, AZ.
- Monson, B.B.****, Ternström, S., & Lotto, A.J. (2009, January). Audibility of high frequency energy in speech and voice. Third Annual Meeting of the Auditory Cognitive Neuroscience Society, Tucson, AZ.
- Monson, B. B.****, Ternström, S., & Lotto, A. J. (2009, June). Audibility of high frequency in voice. Voice Foundation’s 38th Annual Symposium: Care of the Professional Voice, Philadelphia, PA.
- Suddarth, R.,**** Plante, E., & Vance, R. (2009, November). Written Narrative Characteristics in adults with residual language-learning disability. Presentation at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, New Orleans, LA.
- Suddarth, R.****, Plante, E., & Vance, R. (2009, June). Written narrative characteristics in adults with residual language-learning disability. Symposium on Research in Child Language Disorders, Madison, WI.
- Samlan, R. ****, Story, B.H., and Bunton, K. (2009, October). Kinematic modeling and acoustic measures of breathy voice. Presented at the 158th Acoustical Society Meeting, San Antonio, TX.
- Vitela, A.D. ****, Lotto, A.J., and Story, B.H. (2009, October). Normalization for vocal tract differences using long term average spectrum. Presented at the 158th Acoustical Society Meeting, San Antonio, TX.
- Vitela, A.D.****, Sullivan, S.C., & Lotto, A.J. (2009, May). Perceptual normalization for variation in speaking style.157th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Portland, OR.
- Vitela, A.D.****, & Lotto, A.J. (2009, January). Perceptual normalization for reduced speech: Phonetic tuning vs. spectral contrast. Third Annual Meeting of the Auditory Cognitive Neuroscience Society, Tucson, AZ.
- Whitaker, R.***, Ito, R.***, and Cone, B. (2009, March). Acoustic change complex for frequency change. American Auditory Society, Scottsdale, AZ.
2008 Publications with Student Co-Authors
- Antonucci, S.A.****, Beeson, P.M., Labiner, D, & Rapcsak, SZ. (2008). Naming and semantic knowledge in patients with left inferior temporal lobe lesions, Aphasiology, 22 (3), 281-304.
- Beeson, P.M. & Henry, M.L.**** (2008). Comprehension and production of written words. In. R. Chapey (Ed.). Language intervention strategies in adult aphasia, Fifth Edition (pp. 654-688). Baltimore, MD: Wolters Kluwer/Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.
- Beeson, P.M., Rising, K., Kim, E.S., & Rapcsak, S.Z. (2008). A novel method for examining response to spelling treatment. Aphasiology, 22, 707-717.
- Bunton, K. & Keintz, C.**** (2008). The use of a dual-task paradigm for assessing speech intelligibility in clients with Parkinson disease. Journal of Medical Speech-Language Pathology, 16, 141-155.
- Christensen, T., Antonucci, S.****, Lockwood, J.L.*, Kittleson, M.** & Plante, E. (2008). Cortical and subcortical contributions to the attentive processing of speech. NeuroReport, 19, 1101-1105. (PMID: 18596608)
- Ciucci, M.R.****, Barkmeier-Kraemer, J.M., & Sherman, S. (2008). The effects of subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation on deglutition in Parkinson Disease. Movement Disorder, 23(5), 676-83.
- Henry, M.L.****, Beeson, P.M., & Rapcsak, S.Z. (2008) Treatment for anomia in semantic dementia. Seminars in Speech and Language, 29(1), 60-70.
- Henry, M.L.****, Beeson, P.M., & Rapscak, S.Z. (2008). Treatment for lexical retrieval in progressive aphasia. Aphasiology, 22, 828-838.
- Isaki, E.****, Spaulding, T.J.****, & Plante, E. (2008). Contributions of verbal and memory demands to verbal memory performance in language-learning disabilities. Journal of Communication Disorders, 41, 512-530. (PMID: 18482731)
- Kim, E.S.****, Bayles, K.A., Beeson, P.M. (2008). Instruction processing in young and older adults: Contributions of memory span. Aphasiology, 22, 753-762.
- Lowell, S.Y., Barkmeier-Kraemer, J.M., Hoit, J.D., and Story, B.H., (2008). Respiratory and laryngeal function during spontaneous speaking in teachers with voice disorders, Journal Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 51, 333-349.
- Spaulding, T.J.****, Plante, E., & Vance, R.B. (2008). Sustained selective attention skills of preschool children with specific language impairment: Evidence for separate attentional capacities. Journal of Speech, Language, & Hearing Research, 51, 16-34. (PMID: 18230853)
2008 Presentations with Student Co-Authors
- Bahl, M.****, Plante, E., Gerken, LA. (2008, June). Effect of frequency in the input on production by SLI children. Symposium on Research in Child Language Disorders, Madison, WI.
- Beeson, P.M., Carnahan, S.D. **, Henry, M.L. ****, Rising, K., Kim, E.S. *****, & Rapcsak, S.Z. (2008, February). Lexical-semantic and sublexical influences on reading and spelling in acquired alexia and agraphia. Poster presentation at the annual meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society, Hawaii.
- Beeson, P.M., Rising, K., Kim, E.S. ***** & Rapcsak, S.Z. (2008, May). A treatment sequence for phonological alexia/agraphia. Platform presentation at the Annual Clinical Aphasiology Conference, Jackson Hole, Wyoming.
- Beeson, P.M., Rising, K., Kim, E.S. ***** & Rapcsak, S.Z. (2008, November). A treatment continuum for acquired agraphia. Presentation at the annual convention of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association.
- Campbell, E.** & Barkmeier-Kraemer, J.M. (2008, July). Characteristics of Pig Epineurium of The Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve as a Factor in Vocal Fold Paralysis. International Conference on Advances in Laryngeal Biophysiology (ICALB), Madison, WI.
- Carey, J.** & Barkmeier-Kraemer, J.M. (2008, November). Establishing a team-based approach to 24 pediatric feeding/swallowing disorders: Important factors. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Convention, Chicago, IL.
- Cavanaugh, K., Carey, J.**, & Barkmeier-Kraemer, J.M. (2008, November). Salient features of established interdisciplinary pediatric feeding/swallowing teams. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Convention, Chicago, IL.
- Cho, H. ****, Beeson, P.M. & Rapcsak, S.Z. (2008, May). Do reading and spelling share the same orthographic lexicon? Poster presentation at the Annual Clinical Aphasiology Conference, Jackson Hole, Wyoming.
- Cho, H. ****, Beeson, P.M., & Rapcsak, S.Z. (2008, November). Reading and spelling: Do they share the same orthographic lexicon? Presentation at the annual convention of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association.
- Christensen, T.A., Antonucci, S.M., Lockwood, J.L.*, Kittleson, M.*, & Plante, E. (2008, May). Cortical and subcortical contributions to the attentive processing of speech. Poster presentation at the Arizona Alzheimer’s Disease Consortium Annual Meeting, Glendale, AZ.
- Christensen, T.A., Antonucci, S.M., Lockwood, J.L.*, Kittleson, M.*, & Plante, E. (2008, November). Neural substrates for attentive listening: Cortical and subcortical contributions to the attentive processing of speech. Poster presentation at the Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C.
- Dean, K.**, Hoit, J., Lederle, A.****, Lansing, R., and Parrott, J.** (2008, November). Dyspnea in COPD: Does it help explain swallowing disorders? Paper presented at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Chicago, IL.
- Garinis, A.****, Glattke, T., and Cone, B. (2008). Attention and contralateral suppression of TEOAES. Association for Research in Otolaryngology
- Garinis, A.**** and Cone, B. (2008). Auditory brainstem and cortical responses reflect efferent activation and attention. American Auditory Society.
- Henry, M.L. ****, Rapcsak, S.Z. & Beeson, P.M. (2008, February). The evolution of reading and spelling impairments in progressive aphasia. Poster presentation at the annual meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society, HA.
- Henry, M.L. ****, Beeson, P.M., Caselli, R. & Rapcsak, S.Z. (2008, May). Reading and spelling impairments in progressive aphasia: Evolving behavioral deficits and neural substrates. Poster presentation at the Annual Clinical Aphasiology Conference, Jackson Hole, Wyoming.
- Kim, E.S. *****, Beeson, P.M. & Rapcsak, S.Z. (2008, May). Implications of treatment failure for interpreting the cognitive mechanisms underlying acquired alexia. Poster presentation at the Annual Clinical Aphasiology Conference, Jackson Hole, Wyoming.
- Kim, E.S. *****, Rising, K. & Beeson, P.M. (2008, November). Acquired alexia: Understanding the nature and treatment of letter-by-letter reading. Presentation at the annual convention of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association.
- Kittleson, M.*, Aguilar, J.*, Tokerud, G.L., Asbjørnsen, & Plante, E. (2008, June). Implicit language learning: Adult’s ability to statistically segment words in Norwegian. Symposium on Research in Child Language Disorders, Madison, WI.
- Lotto, A.J., Vitela, A.****, Sullivan, S., & Leibold, L. (2008, March). Perceptual insertion of phonetic segment induced by speech-shaped noise. Meeting of the American Auditory Society, Scottsdale, AZ.
- Rapcsak, S.Z., Beeson, P.M., Henry, M.L. ****, Rising, K., Kim, E.S. *****, & Cho, H. **** (2008, February). Cognitive mechanisms of phonological dyslexia and dysgraphia. Poster presentation at the annual meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society, Hawaii.
- Rapcsak, S.Z., Beeson, P.M., Henry, M.L. ****, Kim, E.S. *****, & Rising, K. (2008, February). Are dissociations between reading and spelling common in individuals with acquired alexia and agraphia? Poster presentation at the annual meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society, Hawaii.
- Rentz, L.****, Plante, E., & Vance, R. (2008, June). Evaluation of a sentence formulation task for its ability to identify adults with residual language impairment. Symposium on Research in Child Language Disorders, Madison, WI.
- Suddarth, R.****, Plante, E., Vance, R., & Gerken, LA. (2008, June). Language Processing and abstraction by young adults with language-based learning disability. Symposium on Research in Child Language Disorders, Madison, WI.
2007 Publications with Student Co-Authors
- Carmichel, E.L., Harris, F.P., and Story, B.H., (2007). Effects of binaural electronic hearing protectors on localization and response time to sounds in the horizontal plane, Noise and Health, 9(37), 83-95.
- Henry, M.L.****, Beeson, P.M., Stark, A.J.**, & Rapcsak, S.Z. (2007). The role of left perisylviancortical regions in spelling. Brain and Language, 100, 44-52.
- Kim, E. S.****, & Bayles, K. A. (2007). Communication in late-stage Alzheimer’s disease: relation to functional markers of disease severity. Alzheimer’s Care Today, 8(1), 43-52.
- Rapcsak, S.Z., Henry, M.L.****, Teague, S.**, Carnahan, S.D.**, & Beeson, P.M. (2007). Do dual-route models accurately predict reading and spelling performance in individuals with acquired alexia and agraphia? Neuropsychologia, 45, 2519-2524.
- Hoit, J., Lansing, R., and Perona, K.** (2007). Speaking-related dyspnea in healthy adults. Journal of Speech, Language, Hearing Research, 50, 361-374.
- Keintz, C.K.****, Bunton, K., and Hoit, J.D. (2007). Influence of visual information on the intelligibility of dysarthric speech. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 16, 222-234.
- Fisher, J.**, Plante, E., Vance, R., Gerken, LA., Glattke, T.J. (2007). Do Children and Adults with Language Impairment Recognize Prosodic Cues? Journal of Speech, Language, Hearing Disorders, 50, 746–758. (PMID: 17538113)
- Orjada, S.A.****, Garrett, M., Harnish, R., Hoit, J., & Holland, A. (2007). Impliciture comprehension with and without context after right hemisphere damage [Abstract]. Brain and Language, 103 (1-2), 41-42.
- Orjada, S.A.**** (2007). The neural bases of cognition and language. In. K.A. Bayles & C.K. Tomoeda (Eds.), Cognitive-Communication Disorders of Dementia: Description, Assessment, and Treatment. San Diego, CA: Plural Publishing, Inc.
- Orjada, S.A.**** & Dachtyl, L.A. III (2007). Approaching college teaching preparation in a scholarly manner: A tutorial. Contemporary Issues in Communication Sciences and Disorders, 34, 37-43.
- Pankratz, M.**, Plante, E., Vance, R., Insalaco, D.**** (2007). The Diagnostic and Predictive Validity of The Renfrew Bus Story. Language, Speech, & Hearing Services in Schools, 38, 390 – 399. (PMID: 17890518)
- Sapir, S., Spielman, J., Ramig, L.O., Story, B.H., and Fox, C.****, (2007). Effects of Intensive Voice Treatment (LSVT) on Vowel Articulation in Dysarthric Individuals with Idiopathic Parkinson Disease: Acoustic and Perceptual Findings,Journal Speech, Language, Hearing Research, 50, 899-912.
2007 Presentions with Student Co-Authors
- Bahl, M.****, Plante, E., Vance, R., & Gerken, LA. (2007, June). Processing of prosodic structure by young adults with language based learning disability. Society for Research in Child Language Disorders, Madison, WI.
- Beeson, P.M., Henry, M.L. ****, & Rapcsak, S.Z. (2007, February). Predicting reading and spelling performance in acquired alexia and agraphia. Poster presentation at the annual meeting of the International Neuropscyhological Society, Portland, OR.
- Beeson, P.M., Rising, K., Kim, E.S. *****, & Rapcsak, S.Z. (2007, May). A novel means to examine response to spelling treatment. Poster presentation at the Clinical Aphasiology Conference, Phoenix, AZ.
- Beeson, P.M., White, B. ** & Rapcsak, S.Z. (2007, February). Toward a better understanding of response to agraphia treatment. Poster presentation at the annual meeting of the International Neuropscyhological Society, Portland, OR.
- Henry, M.L. **** & Beeson, P.M. (2007). Treatment for primary progressive aphasia and apraxia of speech: A case study. Platform presentation at the annual meeting of the Academy for Neurological Communication Disorders and Sciences. Boston, MAHenry, M.L. ****, Rapcsak, S.Z. & Beeson, P.M. (2007, February). Intensive semantic treatment for lexical retrieval in primary progressive aphasia. Poster presentation at the annual meeting of the International Neuropscyhological Society, Portland, OR.
- Henry, M.L. ****, Rapcsak, S.Z., & Beeson, P.M. (2007, May). Treatment for lexical retrieval in primary progressive aphasia compared with stroke-induced aphasia. Poster presentation at the Clinical Aphasiology Conference, Phoenix, AZ.
- Lederle, A.****, Barkmeier-Kraemer, J.M., & Finnegan, E.M. (June, 2007). Perceptual Judgment of Vocal Tremor in Voice-loaded and Voiceless-loaded Speech Contexts. Presented at the Voice Foundation’s 36th Annual Symposium: Care of the Professional Voice, Philadelphia, PA.
- Orjada, S. A.****, Garrett, M.F., Harnish, R. M., Hoit, J. D., and Holland, A.L. (2007, October). Impliciture processing with and without context after right hemisphere damage. Poster presented at the Academy of Aphasia Annual Meeting, Washington D.C.
- Rapcsak, S.Z., Henry, M.L. ****, & Beeson, P.M. (2007, February). Alexia with agraphia following damage to left inferior temporo-occipital cortex. Poster presentation at the annual meeting of the International Neuropscyhological Society, Portland, OR.
- Rapcsak, S.Z., Henry, M.L. ****, & Beeson, P.M. (2007, February). Reading and spelling: Two sides of the same coin? Poster presentation at the annual meeting of the International Neuropscyhological Society, Portland, OR.
- Samlan, R.****, McMullen, N., Cook, S.*, Xia, G., & Barkmeier-Kraemer, J.M. (2007, June). Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve Epineurium in the Piglet.Presented at the Voice Foundation’s 36th Annual Symposium: Care of the Professional Voice, Philadelphia, PA.
- Spaulding-Montoya, T.****, Plante, E., Vance, R. (2007, June). Attentional control in preschool children with specific language impairment; Deficits in resistance to distractibility and inhibitory control. Society for Research in Child Language Disorders, Madison, WI.
- Stein, L.**, Barkmeier-Kraemer, J.M., & Kiernan, B. (2007,June). Changes in Vocal Behavior Subsequent to a Preschool Classroom-Based Vocal Hygiene Program. Presented at the Voice Foundation’s 36th Annual Symposium: Care of the Professional Voice, Philadelphia, PA.
2006 Publications with Student Co-Authors
- Alt, M.**** & Plante, E. (2006) Factors That Influence Lexical and Semantic Fast-Mapping of Young Children with Specific Language Impairment. Journal of Speech, Language, & Hearing Research, 49, 941 – 954. (PMID: 17077207)
- Beeson, P.M. & Egnor, H.** (2006). Combining treatment for written and spoken naming. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 12, 816-827.
- Farinella, K.A.****, Hixon, T.J., Hoit, J.D., and Story, B. (2006). Listener perception of respiratory-induced voice tremor. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 15, 72-84.
- Grunow, H., Spaulding, T.J., Gómez, R.L., & Plante, E. (2006). The Effects of Variation on Learning Word Order Rules by Adults with and without Language-based Learning Disabilities. Journal of Communication Disorders, 39, 158-170. (PMID: 16376369)
- Lowell, S.****, & Story, B.H., (2006). Simulated effects of cricothryoid and thyroarytenoid muscle activation on vocal fold vibration in males. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 120, 386-397.
- Peña, E.D., Spaulding, T.J., & Plante, E. (2006). The Composition of Normative Groups and Diagnostic Decision Making: Shooting Ourselves in the Foot. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 15, 247-254. (PMID: 16896174)
- Plante, E., Ramage, A.****, & Maglöire, J**. (2006). Processing Narratives for Verbatim and Gist Information by Adults with Language Learning Disabilities: A Functional Neuroimaging Study. Learning Disabilities Research and Practice, 21, 61-76.
- Richardson, J.**, Harris, L., Plante, E., & Gerken, L.A. (2006). Subcategory Learning in Normal and Language Learning-Disabled Adults: How much information do they need? Journal of Speech, Language, & Hearing Research, 49, 1257-1266. (PMID: 17197494.
- Spaulding, T.J., Plante, E., & Farinella, K.A. (2006). Eligibility criteria for language impairment: Is the low end of normal always appropriate? Language, Speech, & Hearing Services in Schools, 37, 61-72. (PMID: 16615750)
- Thom, S.A.**, Hoit, J.D., Hixon, T.J., and Smith, A.E. (2006). Velopharyngeal function during vocalization in infants. Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Journal, 43, 539-546.
2006 Publications with Student Co-Authors
- Barkmeier-Kraemer, J., Xia, G., Li, K. ****, and Ciucci, M.**** (2006, October). Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve Epineurium in Humans. Presented at the Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting. Atlanta, GA.
- Beeson, P.M., Balmford, A. **, & Rapcsak, S.Z. (2006, March). A treatment continuum for phonological alexia and agraphia. Presentation at the World Federation of Neurology Research Group on Aphasia and Cognitive Disorders, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
- Bunton, K. & Keintz, C. **** (2006). Effects of a concurrent motor task on speech intelligibility for speakers with Parkinson disease. Paper presented at the 13th Biennial Conference on Motor Speech Disorders: Motor Speech Disorders and Speech Motor Control, Austin, TX.
- Ciucci, M. ****, Barkmeier-Kraemer, J., Sherman, S., Hoit, J., & Fuglevand, A. (2006, October). The Effects of Deep Brain Stimulation on Deglutition in Parkinson Disease. Presented at the Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting. Atlanta, GA.
- Li, K.****, Barkmeier-Kraemer, J., & Xia, G. (2006, July). Unbiased Stereology Applied to Microscopic Investigation of Human Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve Epineurium. Presented at the Microscopy and Microanalysis Annual Meeting. Chicago, IL.
- Li, K. ****, and Story, B.H. (2006, June). Formant deflection directions of the voiced alveolar stop consonant in different vowel contexts. Presented at the 151st Acoustical Society Meeting, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 119(5) pt. 2, 3244, Providence, RI.
- Lowell, S. ****, Barkmeier-Kraemer, J., Hoit, J., and Story, B. (2006). Respiratory and laryngeal function during spontaneous speaking in teachers with a voice disorder. Paper presented to the 35th Symposium on Care of the Professional Voice, Philadelphia, PA.
- Rapscak, S.Z., Henry, H.L. ****, Beeson, P.M., Baxter, L., Ahern, G.L., & Caselli, R.J. (2006, March). Written language processing in semantic dementia versus left posterior cerebral artery stroke: Similarities and differences. Poster presentation at the World Federation of Neurology Research Group on Aphasia and Cognitive Disorders, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
- Tucker, B. ****, and Story, B.H., (2006, December). The relation of the temporal variation of F2 to articulator movement. Presented at the 152nd Acoustical Society Meeting, 120, 3372, Honolulu, HI.
- Yarkosky, M.**, Lansing, R, Hoit, J., and Orjada, S.**** (2006, October). Speaking-related dyspnea in disease. Paper presented at the Symposium on Respiratory Psychophysiology (International Society for the Advancement of Respiratory Psychophysiology [ISARP]), Newport, RI.
- Yarkosky, M.**, and Hoit, J. (2006, May). Speaking-related dyspnea in neural, pulmonary, and cardiac disease. Poster presented to the Arizona Speech-Language-Hearing Convention, Tucson, AZ.
2005 Publications with Student Co-Authors
- Beeson, P.M., Magloire, J.**, & Robey, R.R. (2005). Letter-by-letter reading: Natural recovery and response to treatment. Behavioural Neurology, 16, 191-202.
- Fridriksson, J.****, Holland, A.L., & Beeson, P.M. (2005). Spaced retrieval treatment in anomia. Aphasiology, 19, 99-109.
- Hopper, T.****, Mahendra, N.****, Kim, E.****, Azuma, T., Bayles, K. A., Cleary, S. J., & Tomoeda, C. K. (2005). Evidence-based practice recommendations for working with individuals with dementia: Spaced-retrieval training. Journal of Medical Speech Language Pathology, 13(4).
- Kraemer, R.****, Plante, E., & Green, G.E. (2005). Speech and Language Development of a Young Child Post-Decannulation. Journal of Communication Disorders, 38, 349-358. (PMID: 15963335)
- Mahendra, N.****, Bayles, K. A., & Harris, F. P. (2005). Effect of presentation modality on immediate and delayed recall in individuals with Alzheimer’s disease. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 14 (2), 144-155.
- Orjada, S.**** & Beeson, P.M. (2005). Concurrent treatment for reading and spelling in aphasia. Aphasiology, 19. 341-351.
- Perona, K.**, Plante, E., & Vance, R. (2005). Diagnostic Accuracy of the Structured Photographic Expressive Language Test: Third Edition (SPELT-3). Language, Speech, & Hearing Services in Schools, 36, 103-115. (PMID: 15981706)
2005 Presentations with Student Co-Authors
- Antonucci, S.A.****, Beeson, P.M., Rapcsak, S.Z., & Labiner, D. (2005, February). The role of the left temporal lobe in naming and semantic knowledge. Poster presentation at the 34th Annual Meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society, Boston, MA.
- Beeson, P.M., Antonucci, S. ****, Henry, M. **** & Orjada, S. **** (2005, November). Current perspectives on language and brain organization. Presentation at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Convention. San Diego, CA.
- Farinella, K. ****, and Story, B. H. (2005, May). Simulation and analysis of tremor in speech production. Presented at the 149th Acoustical Society Meeting, Vancouver, BC. [Abstract] J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 117(4), 2544,
- Gutmann, M. ****, Beeson, P.M., Henry, M.L. ****, Sherman, S., & Rapcsak, S.Z. (2005, November). Phonological alexia and agraphia in Parkinson Disease? Poster presentation at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Convention. San Diego, CA.
- Harris, F.P., Cone-Wesson, B. & Kim, E. **** (2005, November). Auditory difficulties of adults with Huntington’s Disease. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, San Diego, CA.
- Hoit, J., Lansing, R., Perona, K.**, and Banzett, R. (2005, March). Speaking-related dyspnea in healthy subjects. Paper presented to the Dyspnea Symposium, San Diego, CA.
- Pankratz, M.*, Plante, E., & Vance, R. (2005, June). Diagnostic and Predictive Validity of The Bus Story. Society for Research in Child Language Disorders, Madison, WI.
- Rapcsak, S.Z., Beeson, P.M., Ahern, G., Henry, M.****, Gutmann, M. ****, Pannu, J., & Cho, H. (2005, February). Semantic memory in mild cognitive impairment. Presentation to Arizona Alzheimer’s Disease Consortium Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ.