Pathways serves two main purposes. It is a monthly, “Informative 5 minute Read” relaying review information on topics related to CAPD and Neuroaudiology. This article can be accessed through the on line blog – Hearing Health & Technology Matters. It can be assessed here. Pathways is also a society for those interested in central auditory disorders that meets on regular basis to discuss relevant issues. For those who are interested in joining the Pathways Society please contact Cydney Fox at or
Research Associates
Doris Bamiou, M.Sc., M.D. (London, England)
Peter M. Scheifele, Ph.D. (University of Cincinnati)
Elaine Schochat, Ph.D. (Sao Paulo, Brazil)
Jennifer Shinn, Ph.D. (University of Kentucky Medical School)
Stephanie Nagle, Ph.D. (Connecticut Children's Medical Center)
Jennifer McCullagh, Au.D./Ph.D. (Southern Connecticut State)
Jeffrey Weihing, Ph.D. (University of Louisville School of Medicine)
Shannon Palmer, Au.D./Ph.D. (Central Michigan University)
Shiv. Shivashankar, Ph.D. (Bangalore, India)
Mallory Brown, Au.D. (Brigham and Women's Hospital - Boston)
Stephanie Waryasz, Au.D. (Boston Medical Center)
Julianne Ceruti, Au.D./Ph.D. (U.S. Army Audiology)
Jane Baran, Ph.D., Emeritus (University of Massachusetts)
Tony Sahley, Ph.D. (Cleveland State University)