Elena Plante wins the Inaugural Rieke Prize


It was announced today that SLHS Professor Dr. Elena Plante will be the first recipient of the Rieke Prize.

Established through the generosity of Marcia and George Rieke, this prize recognizes and rewards excellence in research demonstrated by faculty members in the College of Science. It is one of the highest honors the college bestows on its most distinguished faculty. Dean Carmie Garzione wrote to Dr. Plante, “The competition for this award is immense, and your career accomplishments stand out as an inspiration across all fields of science.” 

One theme throughout Dr. Plante’s nomination was the fact that she has made substantial contributions to no less than three separate areas. Dr. Plante has been a leader in:(1) Exploring and explaining the neural mechanism of developmental language disorder using cutting edge imaging techniques, (2) Accurate behavioral diagnosis of developmental language disorder and improved used of psychometrics across our field, and (3) Innovative and replicable effective treatment approaches for people with developmental language disorder. Nominators were quick to point out what an enormous impact Dr. Plante’s work has had on our field , locally, nationally, and internationally.  The prize comes with a $10,000 award and will be presented at the 2025 Galileo Circle Awards event.