PhD Candidate Recipient of ASHA's 2024 New Century Scholars Doctoral Scholarship
Fatima Jebahi awarded for her investigation in primary progressive aphasia

SLHS is proud to announce that PhD candidate Fatima Jebahi was recently awarded a $10,000 New Century Scholars Doctoral Scholarship from the American Speech-Language-Hearing Foundation. Only up to 15 are awarded each year across the country.
Ms. Jebahi's scholarship will support her research into naming deterioration in primary progressive aphasia (PPA), focusing on the logopenic variant of PPA. She is examining how psycholinguistic properties affect word retrieval in different contexts, from word-level to discourse-level naming. This work will enhance our understanding of the mechanisms that drive naming impairment in PPA, which would inform stimuli selection for both diagnosis and treatment material.
SLHS could not be more proud of Ms. Jebahi, and look forward to the positive impact her research will make with these patients.