Genesis D. Arizmendi, PhD, CCC-SLP

Assistant Professor & Director of the Multicultural Bilingual Certificate Program
Photo of woman in black blazer smiling at camera
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  • CGSC 305 - Bilingual Language and Learning: Terms, Processes, and Impact
  • SLHS 435/535 - Bilingualism. Multiculturalism, and Non-Mainstream Dialects


Genesis Arizmendi, PhD, CCC-SLP, is an Assistant Professor with appointments in Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences and Cognitive Science. She is an interdisciplinary clinician-scientist committed to improving clinical-research practices and educational outcomes for Spanish-English speaking communities. Dr. Arizmendi earned her PhD in Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences from the University of Arizona and completed postdoctoral training in Educational Psychology at the University of New Mexico and Special Education at the University of Texas at Austin and the Texas Center for Equity Promotion. Within the framework of her research program, she aims to mitigate disparities and advance equity within the educational and healthcare systems. She examines the intersection of cognition, language, and academic achievement in bilingual children with diverse learning profiles, spanning: typical development, developmental language disorder, and difficulties with mathematics and reading. To better understand these relationships, she further explores the influence of policy and social context on educational outcomes.

You can learn more at Dr. Arizmendi's website.

Dr. Arizmendi's Google Scholar Profile