Kathryn Bayles, PhD

Dr. Kathryn A. Bayles joined the faculty at the University of Arizona in 1985. She emerged as a leading contributor to the area of cognitive-communication disorders in individuals with Alzheimer disease. Her innovative work was funded by the National Institutes on Aging, Mental Health, Deafness and Other Communication Disorders, the Andrus and Robert Wood Johnson Foundations and the Alzheimer's and Related Disorders Association. Widely published in peer reviewed journals, Dr. Bayles has authored four books and two standardized tests. She served as Co-Director of the National Center for Neurogenic Communication Disorders at the University of Arizona, and was Department Head from 2001 - 2006. Dr. Bayles is a Fellow and Honors Recipient of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association and Past President and Honors recipient of the Academy of Neurologic Communication Disorders and Sciences.