Student Achievement Data: SLP completion, Praxis, and Employment

Below are the Student Achievement Data as indicated by program completion rates, PRAXIS pass rate, and employment information on recent graduates of the speech-language pathology program.

Program Completion Rates

Academic Year# Completed within expected time frame# Completed later than expected time frame# Not completing% Completing within expected time frame
2023-202429 of 2900100%
2022-202319 of 1900100%
2021-202234 of 351097%
3-year average   99.0%

We support students' decisions to reduce their course load for personal reasons. This, along with remediation requirements and other factors, can increase the time to degree.

PRAXIS Examination Pass Rate

Academic YearTook ExamPassed Exam% Pass Rate
2023-202429 of 2929 of 29100%
2022-202319 of 1919 of 19100%
2021-202235 of 3535 of 35100%
3-year average  100%

Employment Rate in Profession

Academic YearNumberPercentage
2023-202429 of 29100%
2022-202319 of 19100%
2021-202235 of 35100%
3-year average 100%