We have a long tradition of leadership within the profession and the university that is reflected by the many Honors and Awards received by SLHS faculty.
Honors of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA Honors)
- Daniel R. Boone (1984)
- Audrey L. Holland (1990)
- Thomas J. Hixon (1995)
- Ralph Shelton (1996)
- Theodore J. Glattke (1998)
- Noel D. Matkin (2000)
- Richard F. Curlee (2004)
- Kathryn A. Bayles (2006)
- Frank Musiek (2010)
- Elena Plante (2018)
Fellows of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA Fellows)
- Richard F. Curlee (1974)
- Daniel R. Boone (1968)
- Ralph Shelton (1966)
- Noel D. Matkin (1971)
- William R. Hodgson
- Linda Swisher
- Theodore J. Glattke
- Thomas J. Hixon (1977)
- Frank Musiek (1986)
- Kathryn A. Bayles
- Pelagie Beeson (2001)
- Jeannette D. Hoit (2002)
- Barbara Cone (2007)
- Elena Plante (2004)
- Julie Barkmeier-Kraemer (2011)
- Mark DeRuiter (2014)
- Nicole Marrone (2020)
- Mary Alt (2021)
Fellows of the Acoustical Society of America (ASA Fellows)
- Brad Story (2007)
- Huanping Dai (2013)
Fellow of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (Robert Wood Johnson Fellows)
- Mark DeRuiter (2019)
National Awards/Recognition
- Audrey Holland - Frank R. Kleffner Lifetime Clinical Career Award, American Speech-Language-Hearing Foundation (2013)
- Brad Story - The William R. Zemlin Lecture in Speech Science (2013)
- Brad Story - Rossing Prize in Acoustics Education, Acoustical Society of America (2016)
- Leah Fabiano-Smith - Excellence in Diversity Award, Council of Academic Programs in Communication Science Disorders (2018)
- Mark DeRuiter - Dorothy Dreyer Award for Volunteerism, American Speech-Language-Hearing Foundation (2019)
Honors of the Arizona Speech-Language-Hearing Association
- Klonda Lynn (1972)
- Paul Skinner (1973)
- William Hodgson (1977)
- Daniel R. Boone (1978)
- Richard Curlee (1980)
- Ralph Shelton (1980)
- Kathryn Bayles (1983)
- Ted Glattke (1988)
- Anthony DeFeo (2002)
- Jennifer Casteix (2023)
The University of Arizona Regents' Professor
- Audrey Holland (1998)
The College of Science Galileo Circle Fellows
- Elena Plante (2003)
- Brad H. Story (2008)
- Jeannette D. Hoit (2016)
The College of Science Galileo Circle Curie Award
- Nicole Marrone (2020)
The College of Science Copernicus Award
- Cassandra Faux (2018)
University/College Awards
- Pelagie Beeson - UA Faculty Staff Award, Outstanding Contribution to Native American Students (1987)
- Jeannette Hoit - Faculty of Science Outstanding Advising Award (1991)
- Jeannette Hoit - College of Science Innovation in Teaching Award (1998)
- Janet Hawley - UA Team Award for Excellence, Protection of Privacy Program (2003)
- Jeannette Hoit - Graduate and Professional Education Teaching and Mentoring Award (Honorable Mention; 2003)
- Pelagie Beeson - Graduate and Professional Education Teaching and Mentoring Award (2009)
- Thomas Muller - College of Science, Innovation in Teaching Award (2010)
- Pelagie Beeson - College of Science, Career Teaching Award (2014)
- Jennifer Casteix - UA Team Award for Excellence, UA Science City Executive Committee (2017)
National Leadership
- Daniel R. Boone - ASHA President (1976) ASHA Vice-President (1969)
- Richard F. Curlee - ASHA Executive Secretary of Research
- Pelagie Beeson - Coordinator, ASHA Special Interest Division 2, Neurophysiology and Neurogenic Communication Disorders (1996-99)
- Elena Plante - Chair, Research and Scientific Affairs Committee, ASHA (2004-2007); Vice President for Science and Research, ASHA (current)
- Barbara Cone - ASHA Vice President of Academic Affairs in Audiology
- Mark DeRuiter - President, Council on Academic Programs in Communication Sciences and Disorders (2017 - 2019)
Journal Editors/Associate Editors
- Richard F. Curlee, Seminars in Speech-Language Pathology (E), Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders (AE), Journal of Speech and Hearing Research (AE), Journal of Fluency Disorders (E)
- Thomas J. Hixon, Journal of Speech, Language, Hearing Research (E), Journal of Speech and Hearing Research (E, AE), Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders (AE)
- Audrey Holland, Journal of Speech and Hearing Research (AE), Journal of Communication Disorders (AE), American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology (AE), Seminars in Speech and Language (Co-Editor in Chief Adult Focus)
- Ralph Shelton, Cleft Palate Journal (E), Journal of Speech and Hearing Research (E, AE)
- Theodore J. Glattke, Journal of Speech and Hearing Research (E, AE), Journal of Communication Disorders (E), AHSA Reports (E)
- Jeannette D. Hoit, American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology (AE, E)
- Noel D. Matkin, Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders (AE)
- William R. Hodgson, Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders (AE)
- Brad H. Story, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America (AE, E, Speech Communication, Express Letters)
- Linda Swisher, Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders (AE)
- Elena Plante, Journal of Communication Disorders (Editorial Board)
- Kate Bunton, Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research (AE, E), American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology (E)
- Mary Alt, Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research (E), Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools (AE)
- Barbara Cone, Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups: American Speech-Language-Hearing Research (EIC, Hearing Section)
- Robin Samlan, Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups: American Speech-Language-Hearing Research (E, SIG 3)
Journal Editor Awards
- Journal of Speech, Language, Hearing Research
- 2007 - Nicole Marrone
- 2013 - Elena Plante
- Journal of Language, Speech, & Hearing Services in the Schools
- 2006 - Elena Plante
University of Arizona Leadership
- Richard F. Curlee - Associate Dean of the Graduate College (1974)
- Thomas J. Hixon, Dean of the Graduate College (2004)
- Brad Story, Interim Associate Dean, College of Science (2017); Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs, College of Science (2020-present)
- Jeannette D. Hoit, Interim Faculty Director, Graduate Center (2016); Director of Post-Doctoral Studies (2017-present)
- Kate Bunton, Director, Program for Excellence in Teaching and Learning, Academic Affairs (2022-present)
State Leadership
- Richard F. Curlee - President, Arizona Speech-Language-Hearing Association (1976-77)
- Jennifer Casteix - President, Arizona Speech-Language-Hearing Association (2019-2020)