Voice Research Lab

Faculty Director: Robin Samlan, PhD, MBA, CCC-SLP

Key Personnel: Dori Smith, DMA, MS, CCC-SLP; Natalie Monahan, MS, CCC-SLP

Location: SLHS Room 301

Research Focus: Our long-term goal in the Voice Lab is to improve the diagnosis and treatment of breathy voice disorders, particularly the breathy/weak voices associated with age-related dysphonia, vocal fold paralysis, and Parkinson's disease. We use tools such as laryngeal high-speed video of vocal fold vibration, acoustic and aerodynamic studies, computational modeling, and listening studies in our work.

Student Roles: Data collection and measurement

Student Representative: None

Currently accepting students? No

Prerequisites: Minimum grade of B in Anatomy, Physiology, and Acoustics

Preferred Qualifications: None