Clinical, Preceptor, & Research Opportunities

Research Opportunities Abound in SLHS!

Clinical Observation Opportunities

Opportunities to observe in the Speech and Language Clinic and the Hearing Clinic are available during the fall and spring semesters. You can read more about it here.

Clinical Assistant Program/Advanced Clinical Assistant Program

Our Speech, Language and Hearing Clinic’s Clinical Assistant Program (CAP) provides undergraduates an opportunity to gain experience in our dynamic campus clinic. Clinical Assistants can explore areas of interest in our professions and earn observation hours towards certification. You can read more about it here.

The Advanced Clinical Assistant Program (A-CAP) is a clinical experience reserved for undergraduates in their senior year who have already completed at least one semester in CAP. During this experience, students will have the opportunity to gain direct clinical hours under the supervision of our clinical faculty. Advanced assistants will develop lesson plans, provide treatment while developing clinical skills, and participate in documenting their client’s progress. Students may be able to transfer up to 50 hours of direct clinical contact as part of the 400 clinical hours required by ASHA. You can read more about it here.  

Preceptor Opportunities

Our Speech, Language and Hearing preceptor program provides undergraduates an opportunity to gain experience peer teaching/mentoring. Preceptors are highly motivated students who wish to provide instructional support both in and out of the classroom. You can read more about guidelines for becoming a preceptor here.

Independent Study and Directed Research Registrations

If you are interested in an independent study or directed research opportunity, you first need to identify, meet with, and gain the approval of an SLHS faculty member who will serve as your supervisor.  In consultation with the supervising faculty member, you will establish a project plan for the semester.  

You can learn more about how to register for independent study and directed research opportunities, expectations, and university policies here.

Research Opportunities in SLHS

SLHS is proud to provide engaging opportunities for undergraduates to participate in a wide variety of research projects. You can learn more about what our research faculty are currently investigating on our Research Labs page.

Dr. Julie Miller explains the research she is doing in the WINGSS Lab (Working Investigations of Novel Genes for Song and Speech):


Dr. Brad Story explains the work he and Dr. Kate Bunton are doing in the Speech Acoustics and Physiology Lab:


FUERZA Program

Interested in having the opportunity to participate in an SLHS research lab for a paid rotation? Apply to be a FUERZA Student! 

During your rotation, you will learn about research and identify mentoring goals with your mentor. You will take part in mentoring activities outside your home lab (e.g., applying to graduate school; and learning about research as a career) and be part of the FUERZA cohort. 

Research Opportunities on Campus

There are many opportunities across campus for undergraduates to participate in guided research.  Our Research Opportunities on Campus page highlights specific undergraduate research programs available beyond the SLHS department. Visit UA Research Sites to explore the variety of research areas at the University of Arizona across departments and colleges.

The Department of Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences is committed to creating and maintaining an environment free of discrimination -- in the classroom, the clinical setting, and the workplace.  The University of Arizona Office of Institutional Equity provides education and support for these efforts.

The University of Arizona is an equal opportunity, affirmative action institution. The University prohibits discrimination in its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity, or genetic information and is committed to maintaining an environment free from sexual harassment and retaliation.